I have a 2012 Prius (standard model with Advanced Technology Package). I use this vehicle exclusively for transporting rescue dogs, as such the rear seats are always kept down. The entire rear area in back is just for the dogs. When I travel, I have little room for anything but the dogs, so I'm looking for a way to get some additional storage space. Since I'm not using the rear seats at all, I was wondering if there is a way to safely remove one or both rear seats? I could then have a contractor build some sort of custom storage unit back there, so I could store items where the seats once were. Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so, how difficult would it be? Are there safety concerns? One person I asked about this said I would need to be careful because the rear seats also offer protection from the dangerous voltage of the hybrid electrical system and batteries. Perhaps there is a way to still have the cables and electrical system safely protected while still using the seat space for some sort of alternate storage? Has anyone taken out the rear seats before, who can enlighten me with some suggestions? Any photos of a standard Prius with the rear seats out available online, or that someone can post? I'm open to any ideas. Thank you! - Jeff
heard it's pretty easy, someone will know. fyi, if you carry dogs for a living, you should probably clean your battery cooling fan yearly or as needed.
There is a thread here (with photos) started by a guy that pulled his rear seats and found all kinds of stuff. He didn't find "dangerous voltage of the hybrid electrical system and batteries". If you are removing the deck and the tray then yes, something should be built so there would be a floor over the spare tire and the 12v and traction batteries would be protected.
Hi Jeff, Not sure if you've found what your looking for or if this helps, but here is a picture of the back seat cushion removed. Actually pulled out and leaning on the floor. It's very easy to remove, just stick your hands under each seat on either side of the middle and pull up - there is a clip that holds it down. You will need to do this for both sides. You can see the white clip location in the picture where the center of each seat is located. Once those clips are released just lift the cushion up towards the back of the seat and there are hooks that help hold it in place. Then the whole thing just lifts right out. There is a high voltage orange line that runs to the middle of passenger side (covered in some white plastic in the picture) that you will need to be very careful of. I'm not sure what the thing on the driver side seat is though. I'm not sure about removing the vertical parts of the back seats. Good luck.
The "Thing" on the left side is likely the fuel pump access cover. (Not sure exactly where the prius keeps its pump) For either the pump itself or the electrical connection. (it could be a sealed tank) This is the same location/spot/type of cover pretty much on all cars: Range Rover Mercedes Toyota Daihatsu. It's not specific to the prius and not special. Just FYI =) Same with the unclipping of the back seat. Virtually *ALL* cars from all over the world have their back seat bottom cushions simply pull up. Seems like your easiest bet is to just leave the car as unless you do some kind of modification. From the photos it seems the dogs may have easier access to the high voltage cables. I'm sure it's well protected and well insulated but you never know with dogs that like to chew on stuff or typical wear and tear. In short, i'd leave it alone. or buy a V =)