Nissan Dealer Leaks Info On 2016 LEAF - Two Battery Sizes To Be Offered 2016 Nissan Leaf's Two Batteries: 84 Miles Base, 110 Miles For Top Trims, Dealer Says So basically the base S trim will still have the 24 kWh battery, while the higher SV and SL trims will have a new 30 kWh battery, with up to 110 EPA miles of range. Price to be announced later, but I'm guessing it's roughly the same as what the trims costs now, or they'll drop the S price to make it even more enticing to people who wants an EV for a short work/town commute and don't need the longer ranges. I also wonder if Nissan will be offering the larger pack for older models in case people want to upgrade those. And now it's got me wondering what kind of range the Gen 2 Leaf will have.
Sweet. Those 2011-2012 used Leafs are going to get more affordable. I've seen a couple go down to $8000 already in my neck of the woods. If it goes down much lower, I might just break even selling my current gas burner. That's going to be the ideal case for me. PiP for long distance weekend/vacation driving and BEV for daily commute.
Wow, used Leaf prices are pretty low. About $10-12k range in my area for 2012-2013 models. If Nissan will allow older Leafs to get the new, larger battery packs, and doesn't charge an arm and a leg for it (like say, $10k for the pack/install), you can save quite a bit of money by buying a used one, then upgrading to one of the new battery packs. Unfortunately that makes complete and total sense. Therefore they won't do it.
I think if someone wants to keep a Leaf, a used one is a good deal right now, but trading or selling to someone later will be next to impossible, especially after the 8-year battery warranties. Heard absolutely no complaints about this vehicle except for range!
"If Nissan will allow older Leafs to get the new, larger battery packs, and doesn't charge an arm and a leg for it (like say, $10k for the pack/install), you can save quite a bit of money by buying a used one, then upgrading to one of the new battery packs. Unfortunately that makes complete and total sense." No, it doesn't. First, there is more profit in selling a newer "better" car than in selling parts. Second, an upgrade may be more than just dropping in a larger battery presuming it has the same form factor. Does the battery management system need to be reprogrammed? If there is a demand for battery upgrades someone will step up to fill it. I don't see any demand. Even here people do not want to drop a new battery in an old car. LEAF sales numbers are great but only when compared to other EVs. When the LEAF starts selling in mainstream numbers that market may develop.
I'm more bullish than you guys. I don't think there will be another price drop after the 8 year warranty is gone. If there is, I have no issue waiting until 2019, that's probably when the Model 3 is going to come out anyway. The replacement battery for the Leaf is the so called lizard battery so that is an updated battery already. I also don't see any reason Nissan wouldn't update the battery for replacement of it is possible. Besides, if Nissan won't, someone will. Gen 2 Prius batteries are going into Gen 1's. Tesla somehow found a market to upgrade Roadster batteries. I find it hard to believe that few will be interested in upgrading the Leaf battery.
I bought my 2015 Leaf back in December taking the gamble that the larger battery wasn't coming until late 2016/early 2017 since Nissan appeared to be doing updates every 2 years and the lizard battery had just come out. I probably would have held off on my purchase had I known an update was coming so soon. Oh well.
According to this guy, the battery in your Leaf is robust! Grant Thomas Says Farewell To His Mk1 Nissan LEAF – Video