So I really have not done much research on the Hybrid before I bought a 2015 Prius C 2 and I would have to say that I should have bought a Prius a long time ago. I drive 130 miles round trip for work and this car is now the love of my life. I hope to learn to new tricks and tips. So far at best I've gotten 472.4 miles to the tank and averaged 54.2 MPG and still had roughly a gallon to go. But feels good to be a part of this community and happy on my decision that I've made.
I do a short commute on my 2015 Prius c 2. About 20 miles a day round trip. I average about 45 to 47 mpg right now. I do my fun driving on the weekends. I am very happy with my 45mpg I get now and I know it will just get better with time. Oh. I have only had the car 3 weeks. Best purchase I ever made.
I do a short commute on my 2015 Prius c 2. About 20 miles a day round trip. I average about 45 to 47 mpg right now. I do my fun driving on the weekends. I am very happy with my 45mpg I get now and I know it will just get better with time. Oh. I have only had the car 3 weeks. Best purchase I ever made.
I do a short commute on my 2015 Prius c 2. About 20 miles a day round trip. I average about 45 to 47 mpg right now. I do my fun driving on the weekends. I am very happy with my 45mpg I get now and I know it will just get better with time. Oh. I have only had the car 3 weeks. Best purchase I ever made.
Congrats on your purchase, I bought my c2, in June of this year brand new, only three months old and I already have 11300 kms on it . I average anywhere from 65 - 77 mpg on the highway. I love sitting in my car every time,