Just wondering. Does the car accelerate faster? Is it more peppy? I cannot find this information in the owner's manual. Thanks.
If you turn Eco mode off you will be in Normal operating mode. Yes, you will probably accelerate a little faster. You may use a little more gasoline. Drive it either way you like. I have an Avalon now and I drive mine in Eco mode all the time. I did the same with my Prius.
Try it. I'll wager you'll find the gas pedal travel more natural, and there'll be no difference to your mpg.
I live in a suburb of Chicago. In just 4 days the price of gasoline has gone up from $2.56 to $3.50 per gallon. So much for "low" gasoline prices. Enjoy your car. You are going to save lots of money.
In certain settings, ECO mode uses the A/C compressor less. Eco mode usually just means there is more pedal travel before you feel sharp acceleration.
In ECO mode, everyone used to say "What's wrong with your AC?" Out of ECO mode, everyone says "Your car is cold quick" of which I say "Watch that battery icon drain."
Eco mode changes the way the accelerator pedal works - you have to press harder to go faster. You can go just as fast as normal mode - it just takes more travel. It also smooths out the signal - so there's no spikes in signal - this adds a bit of a delay before the car actually changes speed. Eco mode changes the way that the A/C system works. Auto climate control won't use the highest fan settings with eco mode on. You can override this with changing the fan speed manually, or if you have a model with the nav radio, there's a menu option in the car setup screen to change it. I tend to leave mine in eco mode most of the time because I prefer the pedal position and the quieter A/C. When I'm downtown in the busy city - I take it out because I need instant response from the car.
Thanks. Where's the batter icon and how do I see how much power it has? Seems like something I should already know, but I don't.
You have to look at your owner's manual and learn how to bring things like that up on your screen or you can just play around with it until you get familiar.
I I use Eco mode all the time. Whether highway or city. I just leave it on. Gives me good gas mileage. I am a much more careful driver since I purchased my Prius c.
But seriously -- last weekend we drove from PEI to Ottawa and back, with some jotting about for sightseeing, on 120L. 2,600 km on 120L. That's about 4.6L/100km over about 24 hours of straight driving on mostly highway conditions, during some of the muggiest hot weather the A/C will ever have to deal with -- comfortably. Remind me why I might want to turn off ECO mode? :-D (As for responsiveness on the gas -- feels like the 2008 Yaris did to me.)