So i smoked my tail lights this morining and then painted some interior portions. I gutted the rear of the vehicle to see if i could lower the trunck and seats at all but that is way more work than i am willing to do
the smoked taillights doesn't look very good...just seems like those old headlights that needs a cleaning
I disagree, I think the light smoke blends in nice with the silver paint.. did you use Plastidip? If so did you use the "smoke" dip or black but just a quick coat? Oh and Semper Fi!! -1371-
I used the smoke plasti dip....but i am not completely sold on the look that it gave. ....sometimes i do feel as tho it does just give a dirty look instead of a smoked look, but both my taillight seals are no good so there is dirt on the inside and it has been driving me crazy so i figured why not try the smoke out. before i just replace them completely. ooo and im thinking that if my taillights didnt actually have built up dirt on the inside the is still visible through the smoke that it wouldnt look as bad but, i still dont know if i would love it...probably not Semper Fi
Interesting to hear that your tail light seals are bad as the stock ones are not like headlights or aftermarket tails with a butyl seal but basically glued/melted together. Only reason I know is I ruined a set trying to bake them so I could paint the insides.
Thats what i originally wanted to do but as i did some research i found that is nearly impossible without ruining them....Its a huge bummer because im goig to have to replace them and it happened before i owned the car for a year and its not covered. Before i drillled the holes in the tailights to drain out the water that got in they were filled to the light bulbs