NISEI SHOWOFF was held today in Little Tokyo, L.A. I was rather disappointed with the venue and the cost to enter the show. The venue was changed from the past years and was located in an underground garage down the street from Little Tokyo Plaza. I know that its not Showoff's/StanceNations fault that it was 103 degrees in downtown LA today, but this underground garage had no air flow, it was unbearbaly HOT for all attending! I really felt bad for the persons in the show as they were stuck there and could not leave. At least I could leave and find a place with A/C to chill. Another issue I had was the cost of admission to enter the show as a spectator in the amount of $15.00 per person!! That seems way to high. JCCS show charges $10.00 per person, and another great show is ToyotaFest and that has no entrance fee! They did announce the registration cost to enter ones vehicle at $46.90!!! With this type of entrance fee, there should be no charges to the spectators. I did get to enjoy some great Sushi with my son in the Little Tokyo area! And did bump into Saulbassfan!
No photos, just wanted to get out of the garage, was there for 1/2 hour or so! Saulbassfan may have taken pictures?
@orenji hence why you ran into me on a bench in the shade. Lol @el Crucero I posted a bunch on my Instagram. My username is prius_modellista
the spectator entrance is one of the reason that I have stopped showing at Nisei..... unlike Toyotafest which is free and some other shows which are cheaper..... also their location has been almost hot ....... other than that the cars on the have always been pretty nice.....
Just my opinion and I own a company in the business. cars shows are a business Informal gathering are for die hards who buy products based on their needs as opposed to getting things for free Then again all ae86 who wins at shows has my products
I recognize that car shows are a business, and I am not against any business making money, but what I don't agree with is having entrance fees and visitor fees that costs more then some of your parts!
agreed...^...... dont go; look at pictures most of the cars are at most shows so they become old.... coffee and cars are the best meets/shows....just my opinion