Hello! Please let me know if this should be posted somewhere else. It is my first time making an account on here to ask some advice. I have been in the market for a Prius for awhile now--watching youtube videos of the cars, looking at them, researching online. But the packages and such drive me crazy! It can get so confusing. I found two cars at a local dealership-- one is a 2011 Prius Three and the other is a 2012 Prius Two. Just looking between the two and sitting the car I can notice a difference with the features. The 2011 Prius Three doesn't have a nav screen, but the 2012 Two does. But when researching a majority of the nav screens are in 2011 package three Prius's. Yes? Correct me if I'm wrong! Please! I'm just trying to figure out the differences between the next year model and the 2011 model because I feel as if the standard package is in the 2012, but it includes everything but the 8 speakers JBL stereo. And voice command, right? Because it's a two. This has been an overwhelming experience looking for one. I am so throughly excited to purchase one, but I was to make sure there isn't a big difference between the two. The one 2011 Three I saw had no nav just little slit screens. No touch. Is it worth to the get 2012, if the 2011 seems to have more with the touch and voice command on bluetooth? Please let me know if this needs clarification. I appreciate anyones input and help! Thanks in advance everyone.
Many if not most 2911 Prius 3's did not come with navigation, that was an option on that year. The 2012 2 has a screen, but no nav, the screen is for I think a backup camera.
Search & download the brochures for both model years so you know what is & isn't in the cars. Many times used cars are misrepresented. Sometimes in the buyer's favor (pricing a Three as if it were a Two), most times in the seller's (pricing a Two as if it were a Three). Since the "Three" doesn't have a nav screen then it is either a base Three or is really a Two. It also doesn't have a backup camera. The backup camera & the nav use the same screen. As the backup camera becomes a requirement all cars will have a screen. Don't assume any car has nav because there is a screen. If there is a map on the screen then it has nav.
The only thing I'll add since I edited your thread title is it is Two and Three, not II and III. Only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation.