OK -- new end of January Prius allocation for Southern CA is 238 total. That's for boats that dock in Long Beach on Jan 25th, Feb 2, and Feb 3 -- and those are tentative boat dates. Not etched in stone. That's about twice what there was last allocation. I will feel lucky to get 6 cars off that allocation. I hope we get more, but I am a realist. That's about 3% of what's coming and they do not round up -- even if I am supposed to earn 3.4% and that's 6.7 cars, I get 6 cars. They round down, but you get the extra percentage point to carry over for next time! :> If I get 7 or 8 or more, we will feel truly blessed. The thing is, we do not know what's on the cars on the boats, really. The computer selects what goes to what dealer based on what we all request (or, preference) and that's where the roll of the dice takes place, so anyone at the top of my list 1st in line for anything pretty much KNOWS they are on the edge of their seat every time new cars are announced to be coming. For the record, there are almost 60 dealers in SoCal.... so getting 3% or more of the Prius models is a very high percentage in comparison to others who were not so hybrid focused. I am certain that my Highlander Hybrid allocation will be great too - based on the Prius sales we do. Anyway, we shall see! No one knows what's coming till late tomorrow. :> Dianne
I got 8 cars allocated for end of JAN and into Feb! OooOOO hey -- I got 8 Prius on the new allocation! ::rubbing hands together gleefully:: I do wish it was 80... but 8's got to work for now. I have nooo idea what they are yet, no details. But, I am happy to hear 8 and not 5 or 6. Di
Re: I got 8 cars allocated for end of JAN and into Feb! The rest of the day should be interesting waiting to see if my car is one of them. My last two classes are my worst, so that will keep my mind off of things. Jeff
I strongly suspect we're getting hosed here in the Midwest allocation-wise. Also, it's freakin' snowing! ukeleft:
the week -- for me -- horrorscope! I just read my weekly horoscope on cainer.com Seems to fit this week! Week commencing Saturday, 17th January 2004 SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22) Here's an interesting question. Are you a brilliant pioneer or a potential saint? You may think that both sound like far-fetched propositions but you ought to keep in mind that both types of people tend not to see themselves as anything special. Ground-breakers are often folk who are struggling to do what they feel is right, regardless of how much effort the task involves. Kind, giving, caring, souls can lead turbulent lives and experience much self-doubt. Now, do those caps fit a little better? It's time to be proud of yourself.
Because y'all don't have to drive on them days (except in your dreams)! !P Anyway, I just saw two vehicles off the road: an Explorer and a Yukon. FWIW, I wrote this on a Treo.
Re: the week -- for me -- horrorscope! Hate to do this to you, but the present correct dates of the constellations of the Zodiac are as follows: Astronomical Constellations of the Ecliptic Constellation Dates Sagittarius Dec 18 Jan 18 Capricornus Jan 19 Feb 15 Aquarius Feb 16 Mar 11 Pisces Mar 12 Apr 18 Aries Apr 19 May 13 Taurus May 14 Jun 19 Gemini Jun 20 Jul 20 Cancer Jul 21 Aug 9 Leo Aug 10 Sep 15 Virgo Sep 16 Oct 30 Libra Oct 31 Nov 22 Scorpius Nov 23 Nov 29 Ophiuchus Nov 30 Dec 17 The sun only spends 7 days in Scorpio, but 18 in Ophiuchus (I've never seen a horoscope for Ophiuchusians - maybe they don't have a future). The dates you're using applied over 4000 years ago, but the precession of the earth's axis has caused the change. Sorry, but as a physics teacher, I can't let astrology stuff stand unchallenged. It's kind of like knowing about the Prius - once your consciousness has been raised, how could you ever go back to the "old" ways? Your conscience would bother you.
The list! And, they were all only Package 8 or 9 -- nothing lower...and no silvers! :::sob:: I need an asbestos suit for that report.