C three 150,000 since june 2012. One set of tires 98k miles on first set 10,000 mile oil changes. Still orig. Brake pads Did plugs and wires at 120k Did coolant flush at 110k elec and gas 51mpg summer 46mpg winter Lots of highway and 45/55 mph cruising. Sitting at dealer right now getting 150,000 oil done.
Wow, average 130 miles per day. I bought mine at the same time June 3rd, 2012 and didn't even hit 40K yet.
Plug yes Wires No Did someone charge to change wires? How often did you change the trans oil? Do you plane on cleaning the battery fan?
I have had no issues, no rattles and sqeaks, the seats and upholstery are fine, even with two kids. I cannot complain, this car was the right choice for me and my 195mi a day commute. I dont believe another new car in 2012 could have gotten the job done as cheaply.
Whatever the Toyota maintenance schedule recommends is what i will try to do. It has worked so far. I have no plans on attempting anything myself. My service manager has a prius with over 400k. If he recommends something I will do that as well.
Have you had any issue with the front suspension grunting over speed bumps? I've had issues with the lower control arm bushings making noise. I sprayed it with silicone and the noise went away. It's not a permanent fix but maybe I'll consider replacing the control arms once it gets worse. Unfortunately the bushings are not sold separately so must buy the entire control arm. iPhone ?
I have noticed this on my 2012 C. A slight groaning when I go over the curb and into my driveway. I have a seven year bumper to bumper warranty on the car, so if it gets worse I will have it addressed.
Congrats! I have 110k on my april 2012 c1. Oil every 10k, tire rotate every 5k. 3rd set of tires (original road hazard damage, 2nd set ecopias are terrible!, 3rd set dunlop doing well). Original pads, drove straight and true perfectly untill 100k when i hit a drivethru curb, now pulls left ; my tire guy says can't be fixed. Interior great shape, shampooed seats a couple times, ac power sticks a bit (graphite fix probably), rear driver door cant be opened from inside, probably due to 10mil pizza deliveries. I added cruise , subwoofer, tinted windows. Best car I ever had. Will drive it til the wheels fall off.
That's amazing. Such a great car. Am so excited that I finally got mine. HOPE TO STILL HAVE IT 10-15 years from now.