After 96,000 miles it finally happened. Pulling into the garage all of the sudden I felt the car run over something and the wheel lost traction for a second. I heard something bang against the wheel well of the car and it didn't sound good at all. I freaked out because I just knew in my heart what I had just run over. Sure enough, the plug and the cable had fallen from the wall holder I have in my garage. I guess I was in a hurry when I left in the morning and didn't secure it properly. The end of the plug that connects to the car was now oval in shaped and you could tell the gasket was out of place. One of the prongs had a crack in the plastic case and the blue plastic case is a bit squished and had a bad scratch on the side. Fearing the worst and thinking I will be out at least $500 for a new EVSE, I tried to remain calm. Its amazing what a 40mg dose of Lisinopril will do for you in times like these! So I tried to figure out how can get myself out of this jam without spending a penny. This is where watching all of those episodes of McGiver came into play, along with a stubborn attitude and the fact that I am a bit of a tightwad. Recently it has been over 100 degrees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. My garage has been hitting over 120 according to the thermometer we keep on the wall. I figured the heat could make the plastic at the end of the plug more malleable. So I did what any normal person would do, I jammed the plug into the car's charging port and left it there for a period of 24 hours. Long and behold twenty four hours later I removed the cord and there was just a bit of resistance (not as bad as with the Blink chargers). I looked at the end of the EVSE plug and it was once again round in shape! The orange gasket still not in its place and the release button feels a bit funny. However, it works and at this point thats all that matters as long as it doesn't go up in flames.
well done! funny you mention lisinopril, my father has been going back and forth with his cardiologist on the side affects. all the best!
Here are a few picks of the plug after the temporary fix. It still not perfectly round but at least it works!
I believe UL requires these to survive being run over. Worth checking w your dealer whether they will do a warranty swap - since it doesn't meet the manufacturer's specs. I realize at 96K your PiP may be long out of warranty.