Hi everybody! I bought this today. It has to be plugged into the 12v port in order to work; it has no battery in it. BUT when I plug it into the 12v ports (i tried both), this annoying squealing noise comes from the speakers. How can I get rid of this noise completely? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
Any gadget that connects both to car power and to audio aux in is likely to couple switching-power-supply noise into the audio. A ground loop isolator (something like this) often helps a lot. -Chap
I used a ferrite choke on my aux cable. It's cheap at $2 and installs in two minutes. Placed it with double sided tape on the inside of my center console so it doesn't rattle around or get in the way. Circuit city use to carry these. Can be bought at local electronic store, but not best buy
Thank you both for your inputs. I have a question. Both of those are plugged into the audio cable. The noise in my car only comes when power is plugged in. So shouldn't i do something about the power port instead of the audio input or cable? I am really just asking. I have no experience in these things. Thanks!
It's the aux picking ground loops from the phone charger. Would be logical to attack what could be the source of those ground loops but it's found to be most effective to reduce the "squealing" is the two methods above applied to the aux. I chose the ferrite choke because I heard some people complain about reduce noise quality when using the ground loop isolator. Plus the choke was cheaper and took up less room in the glove box.