to each its own. you may call it ridiculous and dangerous, i call it my project and i wont stop what i'm doing to impress you. but thanks for your opinion.
It is incredibly dangerous to not fuse your amps. You need to do that ASAP. That isn't me being a dick, that is me being concerned for another human being. 3 8s in the doors isn't going to make you happy, unless you are just going for bragging rights - which is fine. you will also run into all kinds of phase issues with that many drivers, and like the other poster said, your sound stage will suffer. It is very clear that you are a bass head it can be a lot of fun, but don't give up on both - it can be done, and there is a lot of help out there to get you to the right place. The prius is one of the all time best platforms for sound quality - dont give up on that. If I were you, and wanted to keep it simple, I would try and get my hands on a set of Image Dynamics x69 components. The install will be simple, and the sound quality potential will be phenomenal. Mid bass is done thru your mid in a 2 way system, if your subs are crossed correctly. I would never cross a sub, that is not located up front, anywhere higher than 80hz. regardless of what you do to your doors, second skin CLD, MLV, CCF will not "Seal your door". Those items have too much flex. I suggest you use something like hardboard, or even some stiff foam. I went with a insulation foam and cut it to fit, I sandwiched the foam between two sheets of CLD, applied foam, and them MLV. It came out great and i had one of the best midbass in a door i have ever heard...and i have heard world championship cars plenty of times. Check my doors.
I appreciate your comment. I take any advice into consideration. Thats what makes it a forum. I got circuit breaker instead of fuses but i am waiting to get new ofc wiring for the car cause most of of the wiring are reused cca from an old build.. I know about the staging but thats not for me cause i am more of loud guy, i see Staging more of a home theater type thing. i toke a step in the sq world but its just not fitting my standards. Plus i listen to rap...but im still gonna try to make it sound good. I heard a similar setup in another car thats why i bent on putting 3 8s in the door and the qts & Fs on the mids i got are high so i can't really expect great midbass response from them. I really trynna make sure thats the 4 12s sub dont drown out the mids and high. Btw, i like how u used insulation foam i might imply that into my build
maybe go over to this guys shop. he is one of the better installers in the industry. Octave - Orlando, FL - Automotive Customizing | Facebook Download an RTA app on your phone and turn your system up as loud as you listen to it. tell me how many DBs - its not 100% accurate, but it will give me a good idea of how loud you listen. I like my music loud and i listen to everything, but hip hop/rap are my favorite and get listened to more than anything else. Which 8s did you go with? Here are a few more shots of my build. I have 8s in kicks and a 5" point source in my pillars.
Thanks a lot i appreciate the help.. the 8s are Prv 8MR600-NDY And wow your setup looks amazing already