Hi all, Is there any sort of LCD display that I could put on my car's rear window to display the current MPG to other drivers? I think Toyota should make such a thing, because a little bragging would be great marketing. Depending on where I drive and when, I'm getting up to 65+ MPG from my 2015 C. If there's no device for sale, perhaps an old e-book reader could be hacked and connected to the OBDII port?
I'm sure there's a way, but even in your location that's asking for trouble from "so called" Prius haters...besides...nobody like a braggart. Just my two cent.
When this topic came up years ago, it seemed there were legal problems with changing message displays causing distraction. We certainly don't need even more distractions during the brief time many drivers are looking up from their mobile devices. Another problem with showing current MPG is that it varies enormously (in all vehicles, not just Prii), depending on factors that most drivers don't think about or understand. The detractors will selectively focus on the lowest displayed numbers (just as many enthusiasts selectively focus on the high ones) and use them as real life examples to put down Prii has performing below promises.
If you really want to do this, just get a Bluetooth OBD2 connector and an Android tablet running the Torque app. JeffD
I did have an idea of a stick with a picture of the famous angry cat and a caption: "What, I only get 65 MPG?" or better yes I HAZ 64 MPG
Go to a gasoline station and get some of those price numbers signs they change all the time. Put a sign on back Averaging 50.999 miles per gallon and update each fill-up
Mate, You really bought into the Prius. With SIX vehicles, you epitomize the "fanatic". I just got into my first (2005) a few months back. SHe is great and i am definitely heading your way into fanaticism. Cheers.
If you have an old android tablet with Bluetooth all you need is ELM327 plug ($5 on fleeBay) and free Torque App.