Delivery is Wednesday, 22 July. Coincidentally, on a bike ride with a friend today, we talked about my Prius Plug-In, and he's buying it. So, the PiP is going to a loving home, a larger, sleeker EV is in my future. It's a good day.
How's that new ride treating you .... still getting used to it? Are you ordering the CHAdeMO adapter? I will have to get one for the model X, just for the joy of 'filling up at the local nissan & Kia dealerships. .
"Amazing" doesn't do it justice. It's by far the best car I've ever owned. I still occasionally hit the windshield washer button instead of the cruise control on/off button, and I've errantly signaled a right turn when trying to goose the cruise control (stalk up). I've decided against the CHAdeMO adapter for a couple of reasons - first, most Nissan and Kia dealerships are no longer welcoming non-native vehicles, and second, the eVgo owned CHAdeMO stations are absurdly expensive ($5 plus $.20/min, or $14.95/month plus $.10/min).
Okay I went back and scaned through all the posts, and didn't see anything about color choice. So which color did you go for? I understand that super sparkly blue is a $1,500 option. Just yesterday I noted the 12th Tesla in our company parking lot - and it's the 1st 70 ... although one employee has a light silver 60. This shade spotted yesterday was much darker than the silver; None of the Tesla's ever seem to bother using any of the 10 charge stalls .
Black, panoramic roof, ultra hi fi, premium interior and lights, gray next Gen seats, autopilot enabled. We're on our first mini road trip with it, and easily could have skipped two superchargers en route. I am really impressed with its handling and energy use in mountain driving.