Does any website or authoritative source such as AAA have a usable compendium of cross-country roads that have low speed limits but minimal interruptions such as stop signs and traffic lights? I would nominate the Natchez Trace Parkway (444 miles, 50 mph maximum speed) and the Blue Ridge Parkway (469 miles, 45 mph maximum speed limit) to be on such a list based on my own driving experience, but I am hoping other folks have already compiled a usable list of such roads. U.S. Route 2 near the Canadian border was also a slow, pleasant way to cross parts of Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana, but I sure there are other such Prius-friendly routes. Any suggestions?
When driving from the NYC metro area to Connecticut or Massachusetts I take the Merritt Parkway (Route 15) instead of I95. It's a four-lane divided highway, nicely landscaped, 55 MPH speed limit, no trucks or commercial vehicles. Google Maps
US 2 is still good into Idaho, but then shares a long stretch on US 95. Dropping down 56 in Montana, then 200 into Idaho, will have lower traffic yet and still meet up about where 2 leaves 95. At the Idaho-Washington border, turn off US 2 to US 20, use that to cross the Colville, Okanogan, and North Cascades. The mountains may not be the most mpg-friendly, but the reduced speeds will help. And the scenery will be wonderful. Though US 2 isn't all that bad either, certainly nicer than I-90.