Hill, I lost count of the number of times you posted the pictures of Hindenburg. Do you really want to be in that hot seat? Kidding aside, be prepared to have your mind blown. It would be straight out of a pipedream. Just a few years ago we thought event like this will never happen.
Oh you guys . . . . ya know, my butt HAS taken a beating over the past 4 or 5 decades as I kept putting my trust in the, "just 10 more years" hydrogen BS . . . . you really think I should give 'em just another 10 years? Gullible Charlie brown & I ... we kept hoping ... & we kept getting thrown to the ground .
A lard arse will not ride a motorcycle, so why would you think he/she would drive an iRoad? It's not meant to be a car for everybody. It depends. It only has a range of 50km and a top speed of 50km/h so it has to be for dense cities with 50km/h speed limits. Spread out cities in US and Canada don't have 50km/h limits (except downtown) so the iRoad won't work there. Plus, with a 50km range, it'll barely make it across down and back without a recharge at destination. It's definitely designed for smaller cities elsewhere in the world. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing it as an NEV in North America but I doubt it'll come over unless the top speed is higher. As a side note, I heard the Renault Twizy is coming to Canada, sold under a 3rd party. (Like Mitsubishi was under Dodge nameplates back in the 80s/90s)
Bad on Lucy, which I think in that scenario is Mary (Nichols at CARB). First the idea "we thought this would never happen". I thought it happened for Honda in 2008 with the clarity. You can pull things from the interwebs. You can also pull interwebs thingies that say 20 years to counter those saying 10, that was when Lucy was Alan Lloyd (previous head of carb and the fuel cell lobby in 2003). That means 20 years from big money 2004 is 2024. Chu said 20 years in 2008 (2028) and mary nichols had a tissy fit and sent the lobbyist scrabbling to get him to give more more more to the fuel cell cars that would be here by 2017. Unfortunately advances have been underwelming so I would say, heh heh 20 years - 2035 if it happens at all. I'm sure the mirai is a fine car to drive, and they probably added some luxury touches like they did the clarity and lots of cheap touches too. The thing looks like it was designed for an ugly car contest, but beuty is only skin deep, and toyota has plenty of time to redesign the interior and exterior. Go if you want to hear the promises, but some in toyota management have been bitch slapped by shareholder questions so they seem to be saying within 100 years but we think it will be faster. Check it out. They aren't saying 10 years anymore, and honda is talking about the phev and bev they are designing for 2 years from now.
Orders start on 7/20. Get on the reservation list, if you want one of the 3,000 that will be handmade where LFA is built. Mirai will also star as the sponsor of 2020 Olympics. Toyota Mirai – The Turning Point
I just looked at the linked map...... So if I am looking at it correctly, currently there are two (2) refueling stations in the entire USA, and they are both in California. Lol. I know nothing about this car nor do I really care, but can someone enlighten me as to the price, distance it can travel till empty and also what exactly are you filling it with? Thx.
The map said 4 stations are open along with 8 more at the dealerships. 46 more stations will open next year. 12 stations will also open in the east coast. It has 312 miles EV range and you fill up with hydrogen in 3-5 mins. The cost is unknown but it is priced at $57.5k, much more affordable than Model S.
It has a 160 mile range. Go any farther, & you can't get it back to the taxpayer's paid-for natural-gas distilled hydrogen station. ~ 95% of hygrogen is natural gas distilled, which keeps the oil industry humming along. Natural gas to hydrogen keeps CO2 belching - so compared to the 100% U.S. made Tesla, which DOES have nationwide refuel infrastructure & DOES economically run from owner's rooftop solar, Mirai is a smaller, slower, less powerful, and 100% imported car. Tesla's motor 'warranty' is forever. Fuel stacks, not so much. 10,000psi hydrogen tanks? Not so much. So yea - besides all the above AND being less luxurious, of COURSE Toyota's natural-gas Mirai costs less. I truly hope it works eventually - and Toyota's lobby can stop forcing taxpayers to build its multi-billion dollar infrastructure - running half/truth ads why FC is 'better' ... because hydrogen is more abundant than anything else - leaving out the economic & environmental cost of isolating it. Anyway, I actually did look into registering for the event. It's being held just a few miles away, at a posh event location in Laguna Canyon, just a couple weekends from now. This is the website for the place Toyota is holding it at; Home - Event Venue in Orange County - Seven-Degrees But she-who-must-be-obeyed has me driving her up to her sister's place in the bay area on that week-en. So that's a bummer. I definitely would have preferred taking pictures at the Mirai event .
Check out the toll free number or website on the picture of the flyer posted in the OP. If they didn't fill all the RSVP's, perhaps you can still get in. Good luck! .
Looks like the Mirai folk haven't given up on me .... yet. Got an ad to c'mon down & sign up So I clicked on the "signup" link, which takes you here; https://ssl.toyota.com/mirai-questionnaire?et_rid=34407225&et_cid=2589623&mid=9000875678849&cid=2000004347508&siteid=DMG_RLA_EM:VSMIRL15:JUL153:201507&tdesc=orderrequest I know there is at LEAST one FC fan here on pc ... if anyone wants to use my address .... has a FICO score over 800, knows how to fake their URL location, then fork out a lot of dough .... truck it back to - say, New Jersey .... let me know .