This morning I had the appointment for the 5000 mile maintenance at the 'stealer'. I have a long commute so I achieved the mileage after 3 months. My Prius came with wheel locks but I never could find the key. I called the dealer about it after searching the entire car but they couldn't find the key either {!} So recommended that it would be replaced at the 5000 mile visit. Of course nobody knew what I was talking about this morning. I have been REALLY nervous about getting a flat because of course I wouldn't be able to change the tire. Then the worst part; the master key the dealer had wouldn't unlock mine, so I had to wait while they called other dealers to borrow theirs. And luckily that one did unlock the wheels. in their defense they replaced the locks and gave me the new key. Is this common? Did everyone's Prius come with wheel locks??
No. merged Sometimes, the stealer will "help you out" by supplying non-optional options. Pinstriping, cheesy mats, glass etching, fabric protection and sometimes.......wheel locks in some of America's high crime areas. Dealers used to add these onto the vehicle with a second sticker, but people started catching on, so now vehicles come with stickers that include non-optional options that are specified by the dealer and incorporated into the OEM sticker. They do this so that the dealer can appear to knock more money off of the top end of the deal. This is why some people drive $21,000 base model Priuses and some people drive $26,000 base model Priuses. Unfortunately....the Southeast Toyota group is pretty bad with these charges. The last time I haggled with a Toyota dealer (I walked) they literally "discounted" the car something like $1500 and we didn't even get to the true MSRP plus delivery. This was when gas was high and G3's were going for something like 24K. Now? You can be out the door for 21.5 all in. IIRC....Wheel locks are not an OEM standard feature. My 2010 doesn't have them, and I've seen later models without them.
thanks that makes sense. I negotiated mine on line and got it for just above 21.5. I maybe could have gotten it down more but it was the first new car I have bought so I am kind of green at this. the other 'options' they added were carpeted mats ( i wanted all weather) a road kit (jumper cables flash light etc) and a iPOD connection kit. While negotiating I asked to remove these items as a tactic to get the price down but in the end they 'threw them in for free'.
There is a place for the wheel lock "key" in the plastic tray above the spare tire. Have you looked there?
I believe my 2010 came with wheel locks (as an added option), I removed them and put on a regular lug nut. Nobody will ever steal a Prius wheel so the locks are pointless.
I said the same thing to the tech guy while we were looking for the key and he said "yeah but we are in South Florida, they steal anything here"
When I wanted the wheel locks removed they instantly became "free". There is no way I would have accepted delivery of the car without the key. The inspection gets done BEFORE the papers get signed. Just because anything can be stolen doesn't mean everything will be stolen. How often have you seen a Prius sitting on cinder blocks?
Wheel lock key is something that can be overlooked at the time of delivery! Just the excitement of buying a new car can have your head spinning!