Wow. I've bought and maintained 5 Gen-2 priuses, all second-owner, and they have never had problems. Amazing vehicles. I bought a new 2012 Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) when it came out, and added the 125,000 ToyotaCare Platinum warranty onto it. At 135k miles, the engine just, um, cracked? I'm not getting good details yet, but I'm being told that I have to have the entire engine replaced, and they're asking $5500 to put a used motor with 80k miles into it. This is ridiculous. Is there a way to get this covered? Clearly the engine is designed and sold to last for more than 3 years / 135k miles. I even bought the warranty just in case! Just got this from the service department at the Toyota dealership: ENGINE ASSY FAILED CAUSE ENGINE PISTON SLIPPED INSIDE MOTOR AND MADE 2 HOLS IN ENGINE BLOCK CAUSING LOSS OF OIL WHICH CAUSED ENGINE TO FAIL
find a local mech, they will do it much cheaper than a dealer. things happens, maybe someone forgot to check the oil.
Can anyone here recommend a good "local mech" in the Philadelphia or NYC, NJ area to work on a Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon).How much could it save? In the other direction - can the engine be claimed under CARB standards warranty to 150,000?
"Cracked" is not much of a symptom. Cracked block, cracked head, cracked manifold? Some of those things can be fixed. Did you drive it in? How was it running? There have been people that had a completely wrong diagnosis in the past. Second opinion is in order. Hybrid Repair and Battery Services - Philadephia, PA or 10 Best Prius Repair Shops Philadelphia, PA on Mechanic Advisor - Reviews, Coupons, and Services These guys may not do engines but they should be able to tell you who does on a Prius.
I would be disappointed if that happened to me with a vehicle less than 3 years old. As people often do when their HV battery fails just past warranty it probably wouldn't hurt to call Toyota Customer care and plead your case. All they can say is no. As the Gen 3 vehicles age, I hope this doesn't become a common occurrence. So far yours is the only report of the engine spontaneously cracking that I've read. I would like better details as to what cracked, just so it can go on record for further comparison. You might of just got unlucky. As streamlined and precision as modern production can be, occasionally flaws happen. With proper maintenance, and no accidents, I would expect more than 3 years and 135,000 miles. Good Luck.
you have few options really buy a used engine from a salvage yard and hope for the best buy an entire wrecked low mileage car and use the engine than sell the other parts rent one for a week and swap motors report it stolen and push it into a lake seems odd, Gen 3 NY cabs hit 250,000 or more miles before they are retired and sold on e bay with original motors and batteries. maybe you got the bad one good luck
Something tells me there's a lot more to this story than thus far posted. But as mentioned, just because the dealer says it needs an engine doesn't mean it does.
Just got this from the service department at the Toyota dealership: ENGINE ASSY FAILED CAUSE ENGINE PISTON SLIPPED INSIDE MOTOR AND MADE 2 HOLS IN ENGINE BLOCK CAUSING LOSS OF OIL WHICH CAUSED ENGINE TO FAIL We did regular oil changes and hadn't been having any problems before this occurred. Now what? They offered to install "USED ENGINE WITH 72K 2200.00 3294.00 IN LABOR 1YR WARRANTY"
2200 for the USED motor is insane 3295 for labor is a lot worse, find a motor on your own and a local shop to install it. start your motor search on e bay if you find one ask if they install, should not be over $2500 total heres one on e bay with 7.000 miles for $800 2012 1.5 liter 2012 Toyota Prius Engine 1 5 Motor 7K | eBay
He needs a 1.8L engine, not 1.5. I still say there's more to this story. But in any case it should be given over to corporate reps for evaluation and possible assistance. DO NOT trust the dealer.
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Interesting was your v burning any oil? I've had to keep an eye on mine currently @ 250K miles on my 2013 No major issues here SM-G900T ?
Something smells really bad here. Contact Toyota Corp before the Dealership does anything. I am more than certain they want to know about this.
no doubt it threw a rod through the side of the engine. more likely ran out of oil first. call around to aaa shops etc. for used engine replacement pricing. talk to the about prius and make sure they have experience. the engine is not part of the hybrid system, so only 3/36 warranty.
Any low oil pressure indication before the failure? When was oil last changed, by whom, and how often do you check oil level?