My mpg was 37 in winter (right i think that isNT GOOD mpg). But now in summer... 30-32 max MPG! I drive max for good MPG (indicator RPM only EV/ECO mode without RPM on POWER) Tires on 38/36 psi 12 batt i checked it now when car switched off after a hour. Its 12.75v And... and... and yes, i using a/c always 74/auto. Outside temp about 100-102F What is can be? Why MPG 30-32??? Average speed 14mph.
Try increasing cabin temperature to 80 degrees F. Also put climate control on "recirculate." AC can eat up a lot of mpg when outdoor temp is above 100 F ( > 38 C)
Priviet, kak di lah. Yes your mpg should be better than this. You said you don't use the PWR mode button. When you start from standing, do you "punch" the accelerator? If you do, that will send the HSI (Hybrid System Indicator) into the power range on the far right of the screen.....even in EV/ECO mode. When you come to a stop, do you apply the brakes at the last minute? Both of these driving techniques can ruin your mpg's. You seem to be doing everything else correct. Currently, my outside temperature is 95F to 105F. I leave my a.c. on 74F, auto, and recirculate. Even if I don't use EV mode and drive in ECO mode, I still get about 50 mpg......but I use the accelerator and brakes very gently. Good luck.
I wouldn't feign to know what the seasonal environmental weather conditions are in Kazakhstan. Nor what your typical driving conditions and routine might be. But 100+ degrees is hot. So there is no real way around that. But I would think you should be doing better than 37 in the winter, and 30-32 max in The Summer.
Right, I don't use PWR and HSI only EV/ECO. AC - only recirculate - When you come to a stop, do you apply the brakes at the last minute? of course not, i applied the brakes slowly. I'm sure that problem isn't result of my wrong technique of driving. I drive as you... But unfortunately 30 MPG...
What brand and size tires do you have on your Prius? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but how is the quality of the gasoline in Kazakhstan? What is the octane rating? We will try to help you get better MPG for your Prius.
Thanks guys. There is just 92 and 95 octane gas (as Premium and Super). I had +1-2 MPG for 95 octane gas. So if i fill 92 octane gas then my MPG will less than 30-32. Oil level - between max and min. And what is your avg speed?
Not that I know anything about it, but is this vehicle Euro standards? What is it, kilometers per liter or some such? Just thinking that if it is, then 32 and 37 km/L would be REALLY bad efficiency. But I'm just guessing. Edit: After some Googling, 37 km/L comes out to 87 mpg and 22 was 52. So I guess the question is valid.
I have American Prius with Farengheits and MPG. Air filter was changed a month ago. Without any changes. I was on Toyota dealer three months ago. And without any Engine errors. But i think they cant test HV battery very good. Maybe this MPG because of HV battery is wrong? But I think then i see errors? Right? I think problem can in HV battery... On HSI where i can see battery today i paid attention that max 4 blocks. All day I can see just recharge from 1 block to 4 (just one time was 5). I think it isn't normal. How to check HV battery?
should get up to 6 regularly. are you using a lot of a/c? what is your driving like? speed, acceleration and terrain.
How far do you usually drive each time you start the car? A lot of short trips won't be good for mpg.