so we went to dinner at red lobster the other night, and it turns out that they had a special upfront parking section for cars that get over 35mpg, not sure if they've always done it, or if it's just that 1 red lobster in Texas, but I thought Id share,
How does that work? Do they have a list of cars that qualify, do they take your word for it? Will they enforce it if a Hummer parks in those stalls?
they just had a sign with p and it said it was for cars with 35+ mpg, how to verify that was beyond me
The only places I've seen signs like that are at some rest stops on the PA Turnpike and at the new Marriott in Secaucus. I believe it is a courtesy thing as I don't see any enforcement mechanism.
A local library has designated stalls for hybrid vehicles. People largely ignore the signs or don't read them and park regular vehicles there. Zero enforcement.
This is like parking spots that say they're for pregnant mothers at some supermarkets, babies r us etc. It's a courtesy but there are no enforcement mechanisms involved.
agreed, but at least they are trying. 35+ is a new one on me, i've only seen hybrid vehicle parking before. the marriott we go to in florida has a few places, and sometimes you get lucky, but we're too young to worry about parking close, i prefer parking on the other side of the lot and walking, less dings that way. i guess it's better than charging stations with no enforcement.
If you're a red lobster, I wouldn't worry so much about parking. Anyways, just park like you've been parking since you began driving, in an available spot where you are going. These spots (not including handicapped) for this and spots for that are ridiculous imo.
The only parking spots I think should be designated and enforced are handicapped parking spots and spots with charging units for electric vehicles. Otherwise I think it's "cute"- but forget it. My mother was pretty handicapped in later years of her life. Wheelchair and oxygen tanks. I had a permit but was often so frustrated at NOT being able to get a spot, and then watching what appeared to be perfectly healthy people jaunting back to their handicapped parked SUV and hopping in. I'd like to enforce...use it..if you really need it. but don't fake it for convenience. I never used the permit, unless I was traveling or transporting my mother. I think parking for 35+ mpg vehicles, just breeds resentment and fuels dislike. No surprise people are going to ignore it, and park there regardless. Being handicapped or disabled is a legit reason to need or benefit from a convenient parking spot. A parking spot that has a designated charger accompanying it shouldn't be wasted by a non-chargeable vehicle. But otherwise? Even though I drive a Prius, I'm not looking for any special perks. Hey, I'm lucky enough to own one, I'm lucky enough to drive one, but I don't feel that entitles to me to special treatment.
I didn't see any enforcement, but the spots were open. In defense of a few people with handicap placards they may look healthy, but they may also be receiving dialysis or may have lupus or some not as obvious handicap, but yes other people do abuse those spots. I love my prius and if it gets my any perks besides people asking me about it like I'm piloting a spaceship I'll take them.