I have noticed something about my 2010 Prius. Lately when I am driving the car for about an hour, the engine slowly reduces RPMs (based on sound) when I take my foot off the gas. The MPG indicator slowly goes from near zero to 100. Like VERY slowly. And that is just street driving below 45 mph. The car has almost 60k miles. Tires are correct and in very good shape. *Edited because it is just a normal prius
I think it's a normal operation when the engine is not fully warmed up. Also ( but this is only once per drive cycle ) Prius performs idle calibration at stop, which is slow reduction of the RPMs and then shut down. If you interrupt this calibration by driving off before shutdown, car will try to do it again at the next stop Alex
This occasionally happens with mine. I thought it was really odd the first time it happened. My car is fully warmed up and has been operating for at least 40 min. It's as if the motor is free reving. Very similar to driving a manual transmission and pushing in the clutch and hearing the engine free reving until the motor slows. Really odd. LG-H811 ?
Im not sure about op, but I know that I have a hard time getting anything over 44mpg these days LG-H811 ?
That might be a contributing factor but I'm gonna blame it on carpooling with passengers and the added weight. I'll have to give that a look. That sounds like a reasonable path to look at. The symptoms of a stuck throttle plate are the exact type of symptoms I'm seeing occasionally. Thanks!
I cleaned my throttle when I had the engine apart for the headgasket job. It still did it this past weekend. Doesn't happen all the time, maybe 1-2 times in 1000 miles, and when the engine is warm.