My navigation all of a sudden started using kilometers. I went into General Settings and changed it back to miles, but it does not stay on miles. Any ideas why it is not saving it when I change the setting to miles?
I have had setting changes not take hold because I forgot to press SAVE before backing out of settings screen. Could this have happened to you?
There is no "save" just the return icon to go back to the main menu. I thought maybe that would save my changes, but it did not. I guess I will ask Toyota Service to take a look at it the next time I take it in for service.
On the 2012 v, the Mi/Km selector is a dash mounted button that is easy to inadvertently push while shifting.
Are there a lot of technical difficulties in the Prius, or is this kind of thing normal? I'm just not a pro at all this, and would very much like to know if it's gonna be a drag for me to drive the Prius. Appreciate the answer!
The menus work well as designed as long as you remember to press SAVE after making changes. I am amazed how easy it is to just drive the Prius (hatchback, c, v, or plugin) like any other vehicle. In addition it makes it easy to track and improve your efficiency if you want to. So I think you'll be fine driving your Prius and eventually you'll start having fun playing the efficiency game when you're ready. Enjoy.