Hey i had a quick question. My friend and I both got the 2015 prius c. She got type 1, i got type 2. I noticed that on hers, her mpg consumption starts at 99.9 all the time and mine seems to start from 0. Is something wrong with mine or is there some kind of setting that was turned on?
I suspect that was merely because, after resetting the trip mileage, she drove at least a some initial short distance with the engine stopped, thus briefly scoring infinite miles per gallon burned during that brief period. (It shows 99.9 if the quotient is over 99.9.) If your engine runs before the car moves significantly, you'll see 0 mpg, because that's the truth---temporarily. Longer-term, the difference is of no significance.
I've seen both. 99.9 only if car moved sufficient distance w/o engine (usually backing up since it is all electric). If engine started then it is 0. If you moved car in EV mode, then it preserves prior MPG count. Irregardless either readout is erroneous due insufficient distance to preform accurate calculations.
Irregardless, agh, say no to unnecessary made-up words! That's my pet peeve talking, as I've seen it used a few times lately. Must. be. expunged.
I am a trained linguist and most certainly, irregardless IS a word. It is in the Merriam-Webster dictionary and has been in use since 1912. Please watch this video to learn more . While irregardless is indeed a word, I would not recommend using it in discourse that involves the scrutiny of pedants such as vinnie97. Refraining from its use in these situations may be ideal for those who wish to avoid elitist language "guardians." That said, this is a forum for the Prius and not for language wars. I rest my case.
It's not in my Merriam-Webster, which is newer than 1912, so I can't guess whether it means the same as "regardless" or the opposite (as in "irregular," etc.). Why be ambiguous, when there's a less dubious, less ambiguous related word that's also shorter?
As I had originally mentioned, this is a forum for Prius related topics, not language wars. As such, I am not interested in misinformation espoused by pedantry. Therefore I will contribute to the actual topic at hand. In my experience, both may happen depending on certain variables. My MPG begins at either 0.0 or 99.9 depending on whether or not the engine is turned on by the car's computer at startup. If EV mode is activated from start up and continues to remain active as I begin to drive, my car begins with 99.9 MPG. If the gas-engine is activated at startup, then my car begins with 0.0 MPG. To me this is logical because when starting my drive with the engine turned on I've gone nowhere while using gas thus 0.0 MPG. If I start to drive in EV mode, I am, of course, not using gas and thus beginning at 99.9 MPG. My suggestion is to pay attention to your car's starts and your friend's car's starts and see if this is the reason for the differing MPGs when starting.
Well, Nate, language is how we express ideas, and we should strive to do so as clearly and concisely as possible. As a "pedant," I couldn't agree with CR94 more. Here's Dictionary dot com's remarks about its origin: Made-up confirmed. Leave it in the dustbin of history. Actually, since you're namecalling from your ivory tower, I think I'll just give you the honors of being the first added to the ignore list. Just realized that was your first post to the forum...good grief. I will admit that "irregardless" does appear in the hard copy Houghton Mifflin dictionary I have in possession. It also confirms the nonstandard use referenced in dictionary.com's description, but it completely redirects to "regardless" instead of providing a definition.
I am getting about 45 mpg using my Eco. I have only had the car 3.weeks. Is that good? Should I use the ego button? Does the mileage get better the more you drive it. ?