I need to change the gas engine I can not find any information online. should I pull the engine up or bottom of the car. what are the steps and what tool I need. thanks your your time.
are you mechanic ? have you done this before. Can I separate engine from transaxle and pull it up the engine cause the space under the car? thanks for your answer and time.
that's how the repair manual wants you to do it. It seems to be the easiest to do. When my mechanic replaced my transaxle, he separated the engine and transaxle while it was on the car. it was much more difficult
You must not have looked on techinfo.toyota.com yet. For such extensive work you would probably be glad you did. -Chap
How to Disconnect the three wiring harnesses on the backside of the inverter ? any help greatly appreciated !..
I would need to be able to feel the plugs to say how, but it is usually depressing or lifting the clips. These things can be a pain even when doing it right. Age can make the plastic less flexible, or it is just really tight to begin with. I've never tried it, but could electronics cleaner spray help loosen them up like Liquid Wrench? Don't try WD40, it has flammable components.
What happened to your engine? Catastrophic failure? They are correct, it comes out the bottom. Be sure to get it high enough to clear the front cross member. Then, separate the transaxle from the engine once on the ground. Good luck, you'll need it. Beware of high voltage, it can kill you. LG-D851 ?
Press the button in firmly & pull hard on the connector. Do not pull on the wiring. If they haven't been moved from new, they will be stiff. They are all single press to remove.
Thanks to all of you for the suport. .I swapped the engine so far everything good one more thing I'm confused. . Code p1116 and p1121. Car starts fine and with in 5 minutes turns off again.I cleaned this codes but the problem remain the same. Any devise. ... Thanks
What was your process to refill the engine coolant? Did you purge all air out of the coolant heat recovery system? What, you don't know what the CHRS is? See my posts #22 and #42 here: Changing engine coolant | Page 2 | PriusChat