Hello fellow Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) folks. My touch screen completely froze on me to where I have no access to GPS, phone, bluetooth, or music (only 15k miles). The buttons are not responsive. Of course when I took it into the dealership, it started working again. Since they couldn't duplicate the problem, they told me they checked for a software update that was not needed and try to send me on my way, that is until I demanded to speak the manager. I showed my video to the manager to prove I do have a problem with the unit. Finally a new head unit was ordered and installed. Worked great for about a day, then froze AGAIN. Dealership took it back and "updated the software". I tried to play my stereo before I left the dealership, and FINALLY it acted up there. I grabbed the manager, asked a technician and service advisor to come out and witness it. So, now I'm with another rental and we're back to square one. Anyone out there having the same issue to where a new head unit didn't help? Any suggestions? Right now it just seems like this car is cursed! I'd also like to add that when the new head unit was replaced, my bluetooth worked flawlessly without disconnecting (I have an iPhone 6 plus). The dealership always blamed the bluetooth issue on Apple. I think it's Toyota's software. I drove around for a whole day with that new head unit, and didn't have to reconnect my iPhone once while it was working. Where as before the new head unit was installed, I had to constantly reconnect my bluetooth to my phone if I wanted to use voice command.
Thanks I've read those other threads, and their issue was solved once a new head unit was installed. Mine however froze again with a brand new head unit!
It is quite possible to have two bad units in a row, the one that came with it and the one that was replaced. Obviously there is a marginal part in some of those systems or else others would not have had the issue. QC (Quality Control otherwise known as Quick Check in the business) did not see the issue as it came off the line, therefore it's good from the factory. Remember, we are not talking NASA military spec hardware with triple redundancy in commercial electronics. Case in point: Rebuilt alternators for most cars (not a Prius) are a good example that most home mechanics have seen. The replacement does not help the problem so they "assume" something else is wrong and buy batteries, cables,. starters, you name it "because the new one did not change anything". The third alternator fixes the problem. Many people have gone through three or more rebuilt alternators trying to get one to work. You are on the right track and have a warranty. Use it.
Well, I'll ask if they'll order another unit then. Might have to throw a tantrum in the middle of the showroom floor on a busy day to get it though