The bottom line is, once the Gen IV makes its appearance, most of us will love it, and most of us will hate it...
right, we don't buy prius for looks. still, it would be fun if it looked a little different than the last 12 years.
Rest easy. Since the Gen 1 Prius was a sedan. And I remember when the Gen 3 came out, there were some grumblings about it looking too sporty and too mainstream, in comparison to the Gen 2. So I expect the Gen 4 will at least "look a little different" from the Gen 3. However, I personally hope that it's still recognizable as a Prius even across generational lines. I for one, have always liked the look of The Prius.
Not that there won't be. Just that, at this time, they are replacing a four-seater. I would beg to differ. Always aim beyond where you are willing to settle. As for the heart of what you want, recent Toyota vehicles have taken a sportier stance. Even the previously lackluster Corolla is now sporty and fun. My guess is they the Gen4 will also incorporate a sportier stance. In short, this image just might be the heart of what they want.
Like the Beetle, which would actually be hard to not look like the classic Beetle if that was the goal. The newest generation still looks like a Beetle while having lines that invoke classic Porsche. So I don't think people have to worry about the gen4 not looking like a Prius, and with a sedan in its lineage, I think a flatter rear deck for a sedan profile won't hurt. Since it is a Toyota, it will incorporate elements that we've seen on newer models.
Sporty looking cars, especially in red or yellow, tend to attract the wrong kind of attention. Not that any of you actually exceed the speed limit....
i never felt drawn to the gen III. i was happy with my '08 until the pip came along. i feel there are about the same amount of positive's and negative's between both generation's. i hope the pos will outweigh the neg in gen IV. make it something really worthwhile, and not have so many saying, i prefer what i'm already driving.
The gen 3 Prius got bit in the a$$ by one of Toyota's original mandates for the Prius: make the seats high (I guess for older individuals more easy to get in / out of). Consequently the stupid seat never lowers down enough. 3rd gen Prius somewhere between a crossover and sedan seating wise which is just weird. We'll see if Toyota keeps on with high seats in 4th gen: "oooh lookey me, I'm up high and the door lines are low. waaaaahhhhhhh"
Don't know why you would beg to differ as our two statements are nearly the same. " In short, this image just might be the heart of what they want."-- " the concept does have to be representative at it's heart of what you want the final product to be. " I'm not against The Prius becoming a better looking vehicle. Evolution of machine and style is inevitable. Toyota has hinted that they think this new incarnation of The Prius is better looking. That being said, what is "Good Looking" is subjective. I always liked the looks of the much maligned by some, 2nd Generation Prius, I nearly bought one because I liked the different interior and the "geeky" now Iconic body style. But Toyota HAD to evolve the product. Hence the Gen 3, which is a little bit sportier on both the exterior and interior. I expect at least a similar leap with the Gen 4. But we are discussing the OP's original picture and the exclamation "This Can't Be It?". No I'd be surprised if the final production product is that extreme of a departure from the preceding generation. I think if you evolve that far, that quickly you do it as a totally different product. And while I'm not against evolution of The Prius, I do hope the next generation keeps a connection. Outside of some vehicles today, like PT. Cruisers or Mustangs, Chargers and Camaros...there is no vehicle more instantly recognizable as a Prius than a Prius, and it's one of the few that aren't a purposely retro styled vehicle. My ultimate feeling in regards to the original Prius is that it has always valued function over form. Which is what gave us the often maligned but extremely aerodynamic wedge shape, that like it or hate it has become Iconic to The Prius. The Prius's success over a long period of time was also based on being not only a 50 mpg hybrid but also a very utilizable hatchback, suitable for long personal road trips or family outings. It's calling card has never been that it will turn heads on the way to the office. Again I don't care if this beautiful "ugly duckling" becomes more a swan, but I don't want to see it become less of what it has been in terms of being a very usable vehicle. I guess I also just feel we sit back and soon we will see. Should be fun.
Ok, I'll play along .... oh yeah the OPs pic'd car, so cool, I want one ... today. I always wanted a stinkbug-looking car. Corvette Stingray ... ewww, ugly, goofy looking, everybody knows that. Nobody looks at Corvettes at car shows, but you have to take a number to sit in Prius at a car show.