Well I put my name on a second list. At home I am #58 with delivery in February for a #9 package (BC) any color but black and #2 for a #9 package 6 to 8 weeks delivery in Helena MT. My son goes to school there and I could visit him so I called just to see what the wait was. If everything works out for the best I am going fishing in Helena and Montana in general in 6 weeks with him and could get it then but I would not object to seeing him later in the summer though he may not want his dad (aka stick in the mud geekoid) around that much. I have to say I do feel a bit guilty stiffing the local dealer as they were pleasant fair and up front with me. Both dealers offered MRSP. We will see how it goes. Any thought about picking up a new car and driving over four major mountain passes. At least it will be summer although 4th of July pass is names because of the snow there at that date. Henry Drygas
Ryan-- We ordered Seaside #2 originally, though we have told them we will take Seaside any package at this point. Thanks for your response. Good luck!
P-Car-Go, I hope you get yours soon. It doesn't give me a lot of hope for us getting one in Houston :roll: Are you on any other waiting lists or just the one? Did they tell you how much longer it would be and your place on the list?
Ryan-- We're not on other lists. We keep thinking that it should be here any day now, b/c we ordered 11/03. Other dealers require the $500 refundable deposit, but we don't want to mess with the unscrupulous dealers who don't refund the refundable deposit if we buy the car elsewhere. Still no word on when it will be here. We've received the keychain and 2 letters from Toyota, so we feel our order has been submitted. We're getting some comfort from this forum, though. At least we're not the only people in this crazy boat.