0-60 2.8s 1/4 miles 10.9s 259bhp front, 509bhp rear Also an option for a 90kwh pack Tesla's "Ludicrous Mode" takes the Model S from 0-60 in 2.8 seconds
Electric motors really are amazing when it comes to performance. I'm quite happy with the 70D. For those that want that kind of performance, it is quite a bargain.
A) Promoting cars on conservation gets you about 3% market share. B) Even the fully loaded ludicrous speed Tesla is far more efficient that other cars with similar performance. The only way to get our car fleet, as a whole, more efficient is to make efficiency something that comes automatically with high performance, lots of space, convenience, etc. What we need is an electric F150, but electric Camrys and other cars will be helpful as well. While efficienct performance cars are great, performance cars aren't sold it huge numbers so the overall improvement is not large, even though it is a big improvement on a per car basis. The end game will be replacement of the typical truck/SUV and sedans.
Bisco, you are right on the promoting conservation. With the current mindset of ludricous speed, when will we see an AWD, jacked up, 42 inch tires off-roading model? Hey, the new name could be the "BAJA JOLT" LMAO!!! Seriously Tesla needs to get back to their "core" business of refining the current models' technology for the masses to enjoy and INCREASE market share. In other words, keep Government Motors nervous and on their toes ! DBCassidy
It doesn't. But a general feeling I think, still exists that Hybrids, Electrics, are "Compromise" vehicles in terms of performance. No motor head that wants speed is going to scoff at 0-60 in 2.8 seconds. So while I agree it doesn't promote conservation, I applaud it for expanding the boundaries of what is a purchasable "alternative" in terms of being an electric, automobile. So even though I can't afford a Tesla, and I personally put a very low value on a vehicles 0-60 time, being able to build and sell an electric vehicle that meets, beats, or exceeds other vehicles in terms of performance, luxury and technology, I think will indirectly raise the tide for everyone that seeks more alternative choices. In short, TESLA is illustrating that an "Electric" vehicle doesn't have to be a "Leaf" and can be MORE. (no knock to Leaf Owners intended). And that promotes all alternatives, which allows for the promotion of any or all vehicles, which I think will lead to more efficient machines being built and sold.
yeah, i know. sell more tesla's. but is some one going to buy one and drive it conservatively for that reason? i doubt it. and i don't think it will put more people in there alt fuel vehicles either. jmo.
It all ready has, unless I misunderstood you? Tesla's are replacing 12-25mpg performance cars. These people are buying Teslas for the performance, they would never buy a car for conservation/efficiency reasons.
Sure it is, although it isn't as good as it could be. An electric vehicle running on 100% coal emits as much upstream GHG as a 30mph car. If you are replacing cars with less than 30mpg, it is still "better". If these people would buy a Prius it would be better yet. However, if the choice is between a modded Mustang that gets 18mpg and an electric car running on 100% coal, the EV is the better choice.
That's Locutus of Borg. When I read "ludicrous mode" I thought of Ludacris' Blueberry Yum Yum. Win on Sunday, sell on Monday. Chevy, Dodge & Ford have believed it for a century. Tesla won't have a core business if it doesn't sell options with high margins. I see this option package competing with Hellcat and performance package Corvettes. Not much chance of poaching Corvette owners though. You'll need to install a roll bar if you intend to run it on a drag strip.
The thing with Tesla is that every performance enhancement can only be done by Tesla. I have yet to find any aftermarket companies that can reprogram the Model S to increase acceleration performance. All I could find for Tesla mods are either brakes, suspension, appearance, or interior mods, no drivetrain mods. On the other hand, with any other gas engine cars, there are tons of aftermarket companies that can enhance acceleration performance beyond ludicrous. AMS GTR comes to mind. I think for this reason, Tesla continues to release faster and faster version of its Model S to keep up with gas cars. Tesla already proven that it can out run majority of cars on the market, even the modded ones. Either that or Tesla continues to work on improving the Model S's performance and when it nailed it, releases it to the public right away instead of waiting til the next generation like all other auto makers. I think Tesla should work on an extended range edition or option of the Model S with 400+ miles range per charge. They can turn off the rear motor and use only front motor. Performance will decrease but I think people are OK with 0-60 in 7 seconds if they can drive from San Diego to Vegas on a single charge. Better yet, take that 400+ mile range but advertise it as 300 mile range Model S (still an increase in range than the current models) and add a hidden "Emergency Range" option. It programs the car to use only 75% of its overall battery range. Once you're down to 25%, it acts like it has ran out of power and you'll have to pull over. Only then, an option comes on the touch screen to allow you to drive another 100 miles in reduced power. The range extender can only be accessed 10 times before you have to call Tesla to get the count reset at no cost. It'll be like calling AAA for 3 gallon of gas except without the cost or the wait. The reason for the 10 time access is so that people don't abuse the reserve range and for Tesla keep track of people's range habits. If you do have to use it in an emergency, it's there, it's quick and it's free. 10 times is still overkill. I mean how many people have ran out of gas 10 times in their life time? It would completely eliminate any range anxiety even if you're 75 miles away from the nearest charging station.