Hi I got a new prius c 4 2015 a few months ago. I noticed last night I did not lock my car and this morning I was able to get into the car without unlocking it. It didn't auto lock. Does the car comes auto lock as default or I had to program it? If so how? Thanks! In addition, a toyota dealer told me the prius should auto lock after 60 seconds by walking away from it. It didn't auto lock in my case.
i don't think so. if you unlock it with the fob, and don't open it, it will relock. if you get out and close the door and walk away, i don't think it will lock itself. it should be in your o/m.
if ur car is already lock and u unlock it and not open the door the car will unlock, if u open the door and then close it, it will not auto lock...
If you unlock your car with fab, 20 seconds after if you do not open the doors it will auto lock itself. It will also auto lock once you put it in drive and start moving.