The other forum I frequent is ExpeditionPortal, where portable fridges are very common items in vehicles. I've never gone that route myself (I use a cooler and ice) but some things I have picked up from over there: Thermo-electric coolers are quite limited in ability. They are usually only able to maintain a set number of degrees below surrounding temperature, which in some cases, is not very cold, and they are not very energy efficient. 12v compressor fridges (although much more expensive) are what you want if you want to maintain refrigerator-like temperature. They are much more capable and energy efficient, although they still draw a considerable amount (more than you'd want to connect to a starting battery). It can be difficult to determine the exact amount they use (in terms of Amp-hours), since they cycle variably. The usual way to power a 12v fridge is to use a second battery (of deep-cycle or gel-cell type) which is usually recharged either with a solar panel (usually 50+ watts) and charge controller and/or a relay/isolator connected to the vehicle's 12v system. Here is ExPo's review of several 12v compressor fridges, although probably larger than you have in mind: Overland Journal Portable 12V Fridge Review | Expedition Portal Kudos on the nomadic lifestyle. That's something many (myself included) lack the courage to do.
Jim, I am 5 6 so I ended up pushing the front seat forward, seat leaned forward, and putting an 18 inch tall cooler down and it fits perfect. I have a sleep pad and blankets I am going to put down and be ready to try it out camping. I will do pictures tomorrow. The final solution I have is to use ice in the cooler that I am sleep on and good to go. Waste of time any other way it seems. The ice method seems to work well for most.
One last thing Jim. If you decide to remove the seat it is 4 8mm bolts underneath those plastic covers. Remove those disconnect the fancy stuff 1 or 2 ribbon connectors and go from there.