Looking to cut out the middleman greedy dealers. When they sit dealers here are selling 2010-2012 Prius's with 65-90k miles for about 10-11k. Which means they are trading in at or below that. Let's make a win win and do a private sale. Someone mad about trade in on that car and want a little more pm me. I'm in nj but I'm a pilot, can fly to you.
probably means jump seat in and drive home, JC.. Rick, check it out - in Albany and looks close to the airport. 2010 Toyota Prius
Correct can jumpseat anywhere and drive her home. The entire USA is my shopping ground. Thanks I want the jb sound system and that's my least favorite color. Will keep an eye on it though I'd hope for a few less miles or a grand less. I know I'm being picky.