Yesterday I was stuck in traffic going about 5-9 MPH. Because I had the AC on, and had been in EV mode for some time, the engine was revving pretty hard to charge the battery. I noticed at one point that when I took my foot off the brake, but did NOT press the gas, the green bar on the Eco Score screen showed a sliver of activity. It looked as though I was lightly pressing the gas. It didn't necessarily feel any different than the normal forward roll when you let off the brake (though I have no objective way of measuring that), but it's not something I've ever seen in three years of ownership. I haven't since been able to repeat the behavior. Is this just a rare thing that I happened to have never seen? Would the engine revving like that ever cause the green bar to go up, or is that unrelated? Should I have my accelerator checked to make sure it isn't sticking? Am I being paranoid and overly cautious?
I replicated the behavior yesterday. I'm running with the assumption this is normal behavior unless someone tells me otherwise.
i can't speak for the c, but i have never seen this in the lift back. you really shouldn't be running in ev mode, it's bad for gas mileage. but i don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Can't help you with the Eco Score since I don't have a c but the engine revving up to charge the battery is normal. The benefit of the Prius (and any full hybrid) is the ability to move in slow traffic without using the engine and still have the benefit of cold air (for those hybrids with electric A/C compressor). Of course, all good things must come to an end and when the battery level gets low (2 bars), the engine will come on to charge the battery from 2 bars to 3 bars.
I know that, I was more worried about the fact that the display made it look like the engine revving was causing the car to accelerate (albeit slightly), which seems unusual. I didn't have the EV button pressed, it was just in EV because I was going less than 10 mph. I can't really control that one in bumper to bumper traffic