Well we picked up a 2015 Prius TWO Friday my wife wanted a SeaFoam green but they didn't not have it in the interior color she wanted. So we got the one I wanted in Barcelona red. Argh can't up load the pics
It our first. So the learning curve is fun. Here's a noob question are my traction battery's suppose to be fully charged after a long drive at highway speeds cause mine only seem to get to 1 bar short of full and seem to drain down to half overnight.
Per my experience, the traction battery never gets fully charged. Just somewhere between half and near the top is normal. If you're running on a long descent, it might get fully charged and then there will be no regen braking and the engine will rev/spin to bleed off battery charge. You'll be on friction braking (no regen braking) so you might want to use B mode (engine braking) on long descents to preserve the brake pads.
No, it should not be fully charged, or even show fully charged on the dash display (which isn't the same), unless you've just come down a large hill. Otherwise, if the engine has been running continuously in your "long drive at highway speeds," the display should normally show about 3/4 charged (6, plus or minus one, of the 8 bar segments).
Congratulations! The same thing happen to us a month ago. I made an online offer for a sea glass pearl but drove off with a Barcelona.
That mighta happened occasionally with ours. I'm thinking it's meaningless, maybe the car re-assessing the charge amount.