We have a 2014 standard Prius (5-door). Haven't had it for a year yet. Just recently this problem has developed with the Prius. My wife drives the car mostly. She can make and connect a hands free call, but then she can't hear the other end and they don't hear her. When looking at the iPhone (iPhone 6), we can see the call is connected. Just can't talk to anyone. I tried deleting the phone from the Prius entirely and then setting it up again. Same results. I tried calling another number and same results. It's not the receiving phone's problem, I don't think it's my wife's either, but I'm not sure 100% about that. Any ideas anyone? Do I need to take this to the dealer?
That thing I was not 100% sure about? My wife's phone? We decided to reboot it and...now it works normally. So, consider this an informative email. How many times have we had to reboot a computer to fix something. The is a computer. Should have tried it sooner.