Hey yall, So after trading in my 08 Tundra for a 2012 Prius, I decided it was a good time to get into Kayak fishing. I got a Rola Rack base system from autoeverything.com for $210 on sale. It looked and felt cheap. Uses a simple clip with tension bolt to clamp down on the inside of the doorframe. I had to bend the front clips because the they were at the completely wrong angle and impossible to bite down. I eventually got everything installed and went down to Delacroix, LA to catch some speckled trout. The Kayak I have is a Malibu X-Factor, weighs about 80 lbs. I strapped it down to the rack and had to do some tweaking to get the tension right on the clips. Been about a dozen times since then. The only problem I've had with the yak in place was the front rack coming loose and moving backwards because of terrible Louisiana roads and the way I strap it down. I've since run a strap from the back of the yak to the tow point on the back rear drivers side and a rope with a through the hood loop. I recently added a peice of 3/4" ply wood, bolted to the front and rear racks to hold them apart at a fixed distance(keeps them from popping out of place when ratcheting down the yak) and it gives more surface area to disribute weight. The main reason for the adding extra strength was to attempt at accommodating another kayak. The girlfriend wanted to join the fun. Last weekend I strapped them both down and drove 70 miles to Mississippi in strong wind and they both made it just fine. I lurk alot in this forum and really appreciate the info on here. SAMSUNG-SM-N910A ?
Thanks for the insight. Did you have a question about the way it is secured or just a general negative comment? SAMSUNG-SM-N910A ?
Looks secure to me, but I can't give it the wiggle test. If it works, don't worry what others might think.
Wiggle tested, state trooper at the gas station aprooved. Also made it through 20 mph wind gusts at 70 mph. Thanks! SAMSUNG-SM-N910A ?