Hello everyone, I've been following various threads here for a while now, using tips and instructions on repairs and have found it to be VERY helpful. So to all those out there who've contributed, thank you! Long story short. I recently got the red triangle, HV fan kicked on to full and the battery is functioning wildly erratic. It's a 2005 with nearly 110k miles and still the original pack, so I'm pretty convinced I have a bad cell at least. I haven't had a chance to get codes yet, but all signs point to battery failure. I had checked 12V voltage not too long ago and that battery tested ok, so I don't think that one is the issue. The car had been sitting for about a week without being driven while we were on vacation and every day it was about 90 degrees here. It started up fine, although battery showed 1 purple bar, but I was on my way. Battery then seemingly fully charged over the course of my short 20 minute drive and then I heard the fan go full blast and the triangle kicked on. I was able to get the car home afterward and have it parked for now. I plan to get codes with the mini VCI once I get my old laptop set up, but I'd be shocked not to find a bad cell. I'm wondering if there's anyone in the Seattle area who has the RC trickle chargers and the rest of the cycling/balancing setup that would be either be willing to rent or loan to me (with collateral) so I don't have to fully buy it all myself? This is a second car for us, and I commute via bus/bike most days, so I'm not in the kind of hurry where I HAVE to have it fixed now. Thanks in advance, Josh
Best thing I can tell you is to go to Toyota and ask for a Goodwill Warranty on the battery. The mileage seems low enough for them in kick in some assistance. Getting into refurbished batteries/chargers/balancers will not give you a long term repair.