Anyone have any ideas for better insulating the overhead sunglass holder? This time of year, after sitting in the sun for any length of time (even 20 minutes), when I grab my sunglasses from the holder and put them on, they damn near leave scarring burns on my face and temples. Likewise, in winter, they're ice, ice cold in a very short period of time. It's a small compartment to begin with, so there's not much space in there for foam or other insulating material. Thanks, Kyle
Maybe that is why the Owners Manual labels it as an Auxilliary Storage Box, and instructs drivers to not put glasses in this boxes. Just because it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, doesn't mean the product liability lawyers in the legal division will allow the manual writers to call it a duck.
It's a lousy place for sunglasses given that's where sunlight first hits the car. I just take the sunglasses out and place them to the side for a minute or so to cool down before wearing it. You can try leaving the compartment open instead of closing it to see if the sunglasses fare better.
someone here made a clip for their sunglass case that hooks on the upper handle above the driver door.