Hopefully, someone here can assist me with this very odd situation that just started in my 2010 Toyota Prius III with Navigation. (All HELP welcome) Background, traditionally drive the car listening to XM presents on Sat1 and use the wheel controls to shift between the presets. However, from time to time I would press the Audio button to see the name/artist. Within the past week, I have noticed the following, I can be listening to a song on the radio, select the Audio button and the music channel changes, or press the Destination button and the channel changes again. I have attempted to do some quick searches and only have come up with a single youtube video- youtube.com/watch?v=kF7CkWSMAKc and from the video no solution or recommendation is presented. Has any else experienced this problem, and or determined a solution?
Well; ours intermittently changes the radio channel when we press the MAP button. The dealer ordered a new NAV unit, expect to get it in a couple of weeks.
My Prius just started having this problem in the past week. I've got just about 30,000 miles on it. I've notice that this is only a problem when I first start the car and it can last up to 5-10 minutes. It does go away after some driving. I'm going to contact the dealership to have this replaced
Hmm... that's not a good sign. I wonder if Fujitsu Ten is the maker of this stuff (like that of the problem 04-05 MFD). Anyone know if they made the head unit of 2nd gens is also made by Fujitsu Ten? Some have the famous knob volume going crazy and not working problem (mine sometimes does this) or the buttons not working.
This is a common problem with the Prius radio. There is a fix for the radio that needs to be done. The latest generation radios already have this fix. I know this because I used to repair these radios everyday. The panel and one flex needs to be replaced. If it is under warranty then just go to the dealer and have them replace it. If it is out of warranty and your looking to get it repaired then I can assist.
The dealership just replaced my navi. Good as new and just in time too. I have 32,xxx on the clock and just about to be out of warranty.
I'm having this problem and I sure could use some tips on how to get this fixed. I'm outside of warranty and they told me the cost for replacement was jaw-dropping expensive.
My Prius has had this issue since I purchased it used. Any idea how to fix it? My apologies for reviving an old thread; this one was unfortunately never resolved.
My out of warranty car is having similar problems. Sometimes the Nav system works sometimes not. Sometimes I push a Nav button and the radio station changes. The $2500 for a refurbished unit and $4500 for a new unit, that the parts department quoted makes me think a Garmin is the solution. Hoping someone can offer a cheaper solution.
Still having similar issues along with a number of other users. This seems to be a problem only with the 2010 model. I would rather get this fixed and regain functionality out of my nav than spend $2-$5 grand for an OOW nav unit replacement.
I had the button issue on my navi when I had my 2010. At the time I was told by the dealer that a number of them had to come back for replacement. Sounds like Toyota knows about this or at least the dealer I went to. And sounds like a product defect. Might do some good to contact Toyota directly. Nexus 5
Could you please give me some contact info for the dealer you went to? I'm having the same issue under warranty, but I can't get it to happen when I'm physically at the dealership so they won't help me (despite video showing the problem).
Hate to revive an old thread. This issue has stumped me for over two years. I have a phone with a large music library, but I'm unable to access the SETUP menu to sync it. Is there another way to reach it? Is there a fix to get the buttons to work correctly?
My 2010 has the problem where the destination and map buttons change radio. stations. I entered a destinnation from the info button via voice and now cannot stop the voice directions to that place. It plays all the time. can you give help on how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance Jim