Fed Up With Filling Up Newsweek Detroit used to think that consumers wouldn't worry about gas prices until they hit $3 a gallon. But sales of hulking SUVs are suffering, and hybrids are the new "it" car. John Luber reached the breaking point when he took the family SUV for a fill-up recently and the pump didn't stop spinning until it hit $65. When the Cincinnati-area dentist got home, he sat down with his wife and did the math. With their GMC Yukon getting only 13mpg and gas at $2 a gallon, they discovered their monthly fuel bill was more like a car payment: $385. So last month the Lubers doubled down. They traded in one guzzling SUV for two sipping Hondas. The new math: the family gas bill is slashed nearly in half. "We don't miss the big SUV," says Luber. "Not at all."
Gee! Too bad that so many SUV owners who CAN switch over to a more economical vehicle don't have the willpower or don't want to give up their addiction to OPEC's heroin. Three Cheers to John Luber for making an intelligent common sense decision!
"Detroit artist Alice Frank just ditched her Mercedes SUV for a white Prius. "With the Mercedes, you could watch it guzzle," she says. "When I first got the Prius, I was concerned that the gas gauge wasn't working."" Heh. That was an awesome article. Thanks jkash.