I would like to tune the radio to a SiriusXM station (for example, channel 19) using voice commands only. How can I do this? Everything I have tried fails. Thanks!
Might be your NEW YOWK accent. Priuses are pre-calibrated at the factory for a Caly accent. Try sounding a little more like a kid, and do that annoying thing where you, like, raise the pitch of the last syllable of your sentence and use the word 'like' to replace any pauses. Good Luck!
Okay, I can give that a try, but it seems to recognize the basic commands I give it, for example when I want to call someone in my phone book, or find a nearby Dunkin Donuts. I can't imagine it would work for those situations and not for tuning a radio station. I'll let you know.
So guess what. Every command I tried in my normal voice worked fine, except for "Tune Satellite Channel 19". So if I wanted to tune an FM station at a frequency of 100.5, I said "Tune one zero zero five" in my normal voice, and I got the exact channel I wanted. And if I simply used the command "Satellite" by itself, it switched from FM to Satellite. But I couldn't get that command "Tune Satellite Channel 19" to be recognized. I tried a number of common-sense variations of the command like "Tune Satellite Channel zero one nine" or "Tune Satellite Channel one nine" OR "Tune zero one nine" and so on, nothing worked. By the way, exactly which syllable of "Tune Satellite Channel 19" is pronounced differently between a "Caly" accent and a New Yawk accent?