We tried a Hyundai Elantra GT, but because of some mobility problems my wife has, she couldn't get into and out of it easily, although price and features were certainly great. The Mazda5 was about as close to bought as we came before trying the v.
The Mazda5 got serious consideration from me, as did the Ford C-Max, but the Mazda5 doesn't offer a rearview camera, and I couldn't get one on the C-Max for the price I wanted to pay. There are a LOT of things I like about both of those cars, but for me, the v finally won out.
I was surprised that, as big as it was, the Mazda5 had a rather tight back seat and not all that much legroom up front. Plus my wife said (more than once) the interior looked "cheap". All Fords were off the table until they can figure out reliability issues with their smaller vehicles. Full black circles (Consumer Reports) can't be good.
Today I convinced my wife to trade her beloved Subaru Tribeca B6 (17 mpg) for a 2015 Prius v ( lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) with the moon roof. She's getting 46 mpg and could not be happier. We got the moon roof with all the bells and whistles for under $30k. You slaves to fashion aren't killing my buzz at all.
I was horrified when I saw the front bumper photos of the '15 Prius v. I was at the dealer recently for service and saw the Prius v in the wild and it does not look bad at all. If I needed a new Prius I would not hesitate to buy one. Wish the power driver's seat was available when I bought mine.
Well, the Tribeca B6 was an ugly duckling if I ever saw one. It had a very strange "nose" on the front end. I'd say you got an upgrade in the looks department. By any chance, did you also own a Pontiac Aztec?
i don't like the looks of the new v, but if it worked for me, i'll take function over form anytime. still, i think we criticize, hoping that toy will take notice.
I don't care for the direction Toyota is taking their front end styling. The latest 4Runner is hideous.
I agree completely. I began my "Prius journey" with a brand new 2014 c One. I immediately loved the proportions. During test drives, both with and without a passenger, I marveled at the compactness. It felt comfortable, like flying a Cessna 150 ("Commuter"). I particularly liked the rear end design (sort of like a compact Prius v). P510 transaxle for the c. At length, I regretted my purchase as the c was too compact, and the ride was not as I had hoped. Plus, the acceleration was "anemic". What I really wanted was something like a Cessna 172 ("Skyhawk"). Enter my latest addition, a lightly used 2012 Liftback Two. P410 transaxle for the Liftback. Should the Liftback ever be redesigned, I believe the v- or c-type rear should be adopted during the redesign. The "divided lights" rear window of the Liftback is definitely not my fave. Something the size of a Liftback, but a more vertical "single light" rear window. But definitely something that doesn't shout "I'm a minivan", as the v does. Sort of like a Cessna 182 ("Skylane") or Cessna 185 ("Skywagon") does. I believe Toyota has finally got the powertrain right (2ZR-FXE/P410). Now a little fine-tuning of the chassis rear (at least on the Liftback) is in order.
Yup....it's incorporated in many Toyo/Lexus models. Unfortunately, it will expand into everything they produce--- until a humble, assembly-line painter says, "Stop! This looks like crap! Let's color-match front ends to promote some sophistication in our finished products!".