Hello all. I recently purchased a 2007 Prius from my dad. Today I drove from South Dakota to Texas. I absolutely love the car. It was a joy to drive. Quick question: does anyone have experience with the sweet spot? I read Hobbit's article on it before I left and I was able to find it without additional gauges. My only problem was that I was not able to hold it for very long. Sometimes I could be at around 65mph and mpg at the same time for over a minute or two but would inevitably fall out of it on the flats. Hobbit's article doesn't describe this. Any thoughts on how to maintain it ?
Thank you! I am really excited. I haven't owned a car for 3 years due to financial reasons so it's really good to be back. Car has 97xxx miles. A little high, but it has been well maintained and never been in a wreck.
This was my first and best tank today. I was able to utilize the sweet spot a ton in the hills of Nebraska. I had trouble maintaining it when it was flat.
Hobbit is really enjoyable to read but I am afraid he is out my league , intellectually. I never found his sweet spots and never understood how by going faster, better MPG could occur. This is my 3rd Prius now and I have used the same procedures on all. Going down hill, put her in neutral to get up to 65 MPH, THEN BACK TO DRIVE, Always use the brakes for regeneration, lightly maintain 65 downhill. When driving flat on the freeway keep it at 55MPH in the right lane. You will create a rather large space in front of you which I call my safety zone, never have to worry about crashing into anybody. This also make the drivers behind extremely elated as they can now jump into that huge space and go faster, which they do sometimes right at a freeway entrance where a 10 car convoy is coming. Anyway I digress. Follow this system and stupendous MPG s will happen.
Welcome to PriusChat - the very best place on the InterNet to learn all you'll ever need to know about all things Prius! Sounds like you found a good 'un, and you can always blame yer old-man if anything goes wrong! - but seriously, I was in much the same position about 18 months ago when my '93 Corolla DX Wagon failed inspection (rotted rocker-panels) - with 292,000 miles on the odometer, the engine/transmission was still sewing-machine-sweet, and it was with great sadness that I traded Pangur Bán in for the Chuggy Pig - I love my Gen II Prius and now the summer is here I'm getting around 50+ miles per gallon! Welcome again, and you'll get to learn lots of cool things you never even dreamed of about your Prius!!
Good mileage for a 2007 which is almost 9 years old. I am at 84K on this 2011 which is about 5 years old now. Good job on the >55 mpg for 332 miles.