Do we have a warning light for fan failure for the hybrid battery? This is crucial B/C a cooling fan failure here is death for the battery. An new battery is 'expensive as hell.
There is no separate light for the HV battery fan or a battery cooling system fault. All powertrain faults use the same Malfunction Indicator Lights / warning lights: Hybrid system warning light, the car with an exclamation point through it, and Check engine light, an engine with the word "Check" below it.
and then you will have a trouble code logged with the detail. but there is no warning for a clogged fan, so i check mine once a month.
bisco, How do you check your fan for clogging? Is it very involved to get at it? I have a steering column-mounted ScanGuage II which weill tell me what engine code a "Check Engine" light is sending and then I refer to a printout from the dealer's service department to tell me what that code means.
you can set your scan gauge to monitor your battery temp, i don't have one, but there are threads here. you can access the fan and vent tunnel through the rear when you take everything out to expose the battery. it's a one or two hour job. there's a youtube on the gen II, but the III is similar, and shouldn't be too difficult to figure out.
Is the plug in battery actually a pair, big, accessible towards rear of hatch area? Reg Prius battery is single, smaller gerbil cage style, beside passenger side end of hybrid battery, takes some parts removal to access.
I see that there is a TSB on "clogged hybrid battery fan" so I'll check with my dealer on that one. Also I'll see if I can access my hybrid battery temps via my ScanGuage II. Thanks for that tip. I'm hoping I can so I can put in my default display to keep my eye on it. I'll ask my service dep't. for the hybrid battery "safe zone" temperature range so I know what I'm looking at on the ScanGuage II.
There is an X-Gauge (ScanGauge add on) for each of the three hybrid battery sensors, on regular Prius. The middle (#2) sensor tends to run highest temp. There's another X-Gauge for fan speed. Hopefully works on v, or there's another that will. I found it a bit tricky adding X-Gauge. There's a decent YouTube on it, helps. The highest temps I've seen are around 46C, and fan speed 4 (out of 6 I think). I'd suggest a DIY dig down to your fan. It'll likely involve some pull up of the hatch floor, and removal of the inlet grill. Only do what you have to: if it's similar to reg Prius complete removal is no necessary for cleaning.