This is my first foray into making youtube videos. I've decided to make a couple of youtube videos for various routine maintenance type tasks for the Prius C. Here's my first one for replacing the cabin air filter: Let me know if I covered things well and/or if you found it helpful
Nice job. Two small things I might add. 1. Rather than remove the entire "gas strut" from the right side, I found it easier to just disconnect the part of it that attaches to the glove box itself, then let the strut part hang inside until you're ready to re-assemble everything. But either way works. 2. I've found it takes a fair amount of effort to compress both those sides of the glove box enough to get them released. I was really concerned I was going to break something. Frankly, that was the longest part of the entire process for me. I look forward to seeing future videos. Thanks.
i hate compressing the sides as well, i don't know why they don't use a sliding latch. (yeah, i know, it's two cents more fore something you only do every 15,000) but worse imo is trying to put it back together. great video, thanks! what did you take out, charcoal? is that oem?