So, I'm looking at getting a 2007 Prius, and want to know if fitting a drum kit is doable. I have a few different kits, and the largest is almost Bonham sized- 24 in kick, 18 & 16 floor, 13 rack, and 6.5 snare with hardware & cymbals, etc. I also have a smaller kit as well, the DW "fast" sizes- 22 kick (deep!) with relatively small toms along with everything else. Also, anybody know if a Marshall half stack sized amp will fit (along with a precision bass size hard case)? Any musicians here use a Prius to go to rehearsal or gigs?
Keep in mind there is a ton of cargo room with rear seats down. If that is not enough space for the base drum you could take out the false floor out in the back, and if that is not enough you could even take the spare tire out. And a roof top box is another out. But our community band drummer puts her set in a small sedan. I have trouble seeing why Prius is not easy, except I guess if the rear seats are in use for passengers.
Not a drummer myself but I've used the 07 for plenty of practices and a few gigs. I carpooled with a drummer once and we had his kit in the back along with my bass cab and case, no problem. An instrument case also fits in the "slot" behind the front seats. Great car for jamming!
I talked to our community band drummer ...she has a Honda Civic which has a fairly big trunk. She always tests the fit before she buys a car. She has a fairly small drum set I think.