The brake actuator pump on my 2006 (191K) has started to buzz every 5-10 seconds while driving on the highway. I've recently noticed that it continues to cycle for a few minutes after the car has been turned off. Also, when stopped at a light with my foot on the brake and the ICE is off, there's a rhythmic metallic tapping sound or rattle. Sounds kind of like a "tick-ticka-ticka-tick"... but it stops when I take my foot off the brake pedal. Any ideas what is going on, and how much these cost to replace?
There may be a pressure leak in the system and if so, it will probably get worse over time and the brake actuator will need to be replaced. That might cost $2K if you have a new part installed, so if you need to replace that part you'll probably want to have a used part installed instead.
Damn, just for the part? Or labor because it's hard to install? Also, is it the ABS brake actuator? I see them online for like $100
A new, or used part? I believe a new part will cost $1,676 MSRP, $1,257 here. 2006 Toyota Prius Parts - AutoNation Toyota Gulf Freeway Parts You'll probably be charged for 2-3 hours of labor.
Yeah, I see that part, used, between $100 to $200. That's a hell of a price difference... are the new parts enchanted with magic or something?
The reason that the used part price is so low is that there is little demand for it since the part is normally quite reliable. The new part is expensive because it is made in Japan and there are no aftermarket alternatives.
Is it the same exact part in the Camry? I see both Prius and Camry listed when I search for that part
I don't know, check the AutoNation Toyota Gulf Freeway parts website since it lists part numbers, and you can compare to the Camry Hybrid. It wouldn't surprise me if the part is the same since both cars have four wheels and therefore four brake calipers or wheel cylinders that need individual hydraulic fluid control.