Bunch of warning lights appeared and the dealer said it's code P0a80 and they recommend replacing the battery. I'd like to try to fix this myself and would like to hear your thoughts... Plan is to check the traction battery for corrosion and use a voltmeter to test the cells and replace if needed. - Can you recommend a guide to show me how to test the batteries? - If I fix the car do I need to reset the trouble codes or do they just go away? - How to ensure that the battery ECU or the inverter are not causing the problem? Prius 2004, 158,000.
P0A80 = HV Battery Cell Delta State of Charge Fault. In other words, one or more of the individual cells which make up the pack is outside the allowable range of variance with the other cells. I understand there are ways to replace individual cells and re-balance a pack (if you replace without re-balancing the error will come back). I would suggest looking into one to battery builder options, going rate is less than $900 which is far less than what a dealer will charge.
Yup, everything I have learned so far says if you just swap cells without balancing the problem will come back pretty quick. I haven't had to mess with the traction battery yet, but if it comes down to it I will call Re Involt and order a replacement pack from them. There are a few post's here on PC that discuss the ins and outs of rebuilding and balancing the pack. It involves a lot of time, labor and a particular charger to do the job right. Bob Wilson has made several post's in the Gen 1 section concerning this. You might get lucky and just change one or two cells and get back up and running, but chances are you really need to check everything and take the time to balance the pack. That will give you the best repair IMO if you are set on DIY. Also be aware that the traction battery is HIGH voltage. If you don't know what you are doing, it could be lethal. Not trying to scare you, just letting you know what to expect. Shane 1800, I note you are rather new here, so "Welcome" to Prius Chat! Ron
Failed traction (HV) battery, what to do? - Prius Wiki What state are you in? Can you update your location info?
Patrick Wong is about 140 miles from you according to Google Maps. He knows quite a bit about the Prius. If I were in your shoes, I would contact him and see if he would be willing to help you. The worst he can do is say No IMO. Poke around here on PC, and you should be able to find numerous post's by him. You should be able to start a conversation with him and go from there. Ron
Hi Shane, 1. techinfo.toyota.com is a subscription website where you can obtain Toyota repair manual information including safe handling of the traction battery. I strongly recommend you download relevant repair manual info before you start. There are also numerous posts in PC regarding how various members have tested the traction battery. 2. The DTC will automatically clear when you disconnect the 12V battery, which is the first step you should take when you remove the traction battery for inspection and repair. 3. DTC P0A80 is logged by the battery ECU. It is possible that ECU is at fault. When you open up the traction battery case, you can measure the voltage of each of the 28 modules. It is likely that you will find that at least one module registers a substantially lower voltage compared to the others, and that module obviously will need to be replaced, at minimum. Considering your car has logged 158K miles, a longer-term repair would be to replace all 28 modules. If you find that all 28 modules measure the same voltage, then you can suspect either the very thin sense wires connected to the battery busbars, or the battery ECU. Good luck.
Thanks everyone for the guidance! Will start the steps and post back. 2 Q's - How to clean the battery if it's dirty, wire brush and vinegar / water? - Do I need to remove the whole battery from the car to test the cells or can I leave it in the trunk and remove the cover only?
The battery electrolyte is alkaline so judicious use of a mild acid in the cleaning fluid is reasonable. Be careful not to damage the battery voltage sense wires. You can try just removing the cover first, so that you can figure out exactly what problems the car has.
I found a 2007 Traction Battery with 70K miles on it for $700 from a wreck. They said if it doesn't work once installed they'll take it out but offer no long term warranty. Is this a good option rather than replacing cells? Will open my battery tomorrow and test. Also will anyone pay for my old battery? Called 3 dealers they said no.
Yes, I personally would go the salvage battery route. $700 is a good price and it is helpful that the battery is only ~6 years old. I doubt that anyone will pay for your old battery, so it would be best to take it to your household hazardous waste recycling facility and be done with it. Or you can try listing your old but good modules on eBay and see if there's any interest.
Installation was a success. I used these videos for the install. After install I made the mistake of not pushing the orange plug down all the way but after that was in it started fine. Old battery had one cell that had low voltage, terminals looked clean and cooling fan looked good also. Thank you for everyones help! P.S. Do you know what this brass colored thin strip does seen in the attached pic, is it needed?
Shane1800, I realize this thread is over two years old but I live in Scottsdale and you are in Phoenix. I'm looking for a Gen2 HV battery case only without the modules. Do you still have yours? I'm not sure how the "start a conversation" link works, but I'm also going to try and reach you that way. John