Had it trucked in to the dealer. They found it had a bad mouse problem. "Checked all the wiring couldn't find any evidence of chewed wires except for some minor chewing that didn't go through the insulation". Said the computer that controls the start button was bad. After eight days and $2095.00 they installed a new computer. Still won't start. Insurance won't cover it because no wiring was chewed through the insulation.? They spent five hours on the phone with Toyota today to no avail. Any suggestions as to where do I go from here? They want to keep looking. 62000 miles Thanks for any help. Al
I am not sure how to make my own post but I am also having teouble with my Prius not starting. 2006 hybrid parked car then came out 30 minutes later to leave and pushed power button and nothing, headlights work, brake lights work, hazards, interior lights come on and locks work but wont start and no dashboard lights come on or windows or radio. Any suggestions?
Im so bad on knowledge of cars. But I had a friend of mine come jumo both batteries, the one in the trunk and the one in front using two different vehicles and nothing worked. Could I possibly need to replace the 12v? My question is how domI replace something that I dont know is the actual issue?!
jump starting should work if it's a bad battery. The biggest issue I would worry about is if the jump start was done wrong. If the polarity was reversed (positive and negative terminal), that will cause a lot of damage to the Prius.