A friend of mine in South Pasadena, CA was pulled over by cops because the stickers were improperly placed. They were in the right places but the big ones were on the front/back instead of on the sides. No ticket was issued. Maybe the cop just wanted an excuse to ask questions about the Prius. This wasn't whilst in a carpool lane. Just a surface street. My sticker placement is even less kosher and I've never had an official attention. Has anyone else had involunary discussions with law enforcement about this?
I've only got a couple on my car, and they are taped on the inside of the windows (on the glass below the "wing" and on the drivers side rear triangle, behind the rear seat). I'd heard something about people stealing them, and I'm also loathe to ruin the look of my car with bright yellow bumper stickers all over. It's been about a year now, and I haven't been pulled over once. Of course, I only use the HOV ramp for about 300 feet every day, getting on to I-15. I've got the other two stickers in my glove compartment, along with the printed instructions that state the user "may", not "must" put them in the specific locations that were sent with them.
According to the 'sticker placement' sheet I got with mine, the 2 bigger stickers go on the rear quarter panels (one on the driver side, one on the passenger side), and the 2 smaller ones go on the front quarter panels (one on the driver side, one on the passenger side)-like 1 on each of the 4 corners so to speak, if the Prius had corners. I've seen Priuses with all 4 stickers on the rear quarter panels, or 2 on the rear passenger side quarter panels and 2 on the front passenger side quarter panels, and some with the stickers taped to the inside of the rear windows. :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Apr 21 2006, 02:07 PM) [snapback]243335[/snapback]</div> Uhh... You better go read that sheet again! The big ones go behind the tires allright, but the smaller ones go on the BUMPERS -- front and rear. Not the quarter panels by the tires.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jbarnhart @ Apr 21 2006, 02:49 PM) [snapback]243360[/snapback]</div> I threw it away. Doh!!!
B) Well I now understand what everyone is saying about those CA HOV decals. There is a silver 04 or 05 Prius driving around Omaha, NE with them on their vehicle. They live about 3 doors down from my mother-in-law. She 79 years old lady from Carmichael, CA and she said that they made the Prius look ugly. So my heart and sympathy goes out to you people in CA, because of what the stat is requiring you do to us those HOV lanes. Oh by the way she loves my 04 Prius with it plastic bug shield. It make the car look like it has a mustache.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Apr 21 2006, 04:10 PM) [snapback]243405[/snapback]</div> Here's a online copy courtesy of the OC Prius club.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Airgetlam @ Apr 21 2006, 01:59 PM) [snapback]243326[/snapback]</div> Just wait until the Chippies see that.... Anyone drive the 405 S from the 110 and see the chippie in the center divider citing the carpool lane? In the past I saw him daily now he's MIA.
There is a poll about cop encounters due to improper HOV sticker placement... please vote if you haven't already: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=12659 The results have numbers for how many people got away with it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(removeum @ Apr 21 2006, 06:46 PM) [snapback]243463[/snapback]</div> No sympathy needed here, I love those stickers! Although I do wish we got the silver ones (like the CNG vehicles do) instead of the yellow, but that's ok! The day after I got them, I took my car and washed it just so I could put the stickers on clean paint. There's nothing quite like being able to cruise in the carpool lane during rush hour traffic, by yourself. I'm usually smiling when I'm in the carpool lane solo, just because I'm so happy to have the opportunity to be there. Even if 1 of my stickers happens to be in the incorrect location, oops.
I could no longer find the poll mentioned 2 posts above, but this seems like a decent old thread for this. Today the spouse got pulled over on the freeway and given a stern lecture about having his carpool stickers in the wrong place (all 4 are affixed to glass - small rear window, bottom driver's side of windshield, 2 side triangle windows). He wasn't even in the carpool lane, so I don't think a citation was even possible -- it's certainly not illegal to stick them all on the roof if you feel like it, if you choose not to use carpool lanes with a solo occupant. Anyway, we were curious if this was a random thing or is there some new enforcement wave brewing in the CHP. Any recent experiences?
Even if you are not driving in the HOV lane, but you have the sticker in the wrong place and meaning you have the "intent" to drive in the HOV lane. That's an violation. You can also get a separate citation by putting a sticker on the windshield which impairs the driver's vision if the officer tends to be an AH. Similarly, if you have a broken head light and you are not going to drive after dark or turn it on, it is still an equipment violation regardless you are going to use it.
Has this been upheld in court? If so, under what vehicle code violation? But anyway, my primary interest is whether anyone's noticing any stepped-up sensitivity to placement lately.
The code applies to the HOV decal placement is very convoluted. The basic code is vc21655.9b. (b) A person shall not drive a vehicle described in subdivision (a) of Section 5205.5 with a single occupant upon a high-occupancy vehicle lane pursuant to this section unless the decal, label, or other identifier issued pursuant to Section 5205.5 is properly displayed on the vehicle, and the vehicle registration described in Section 5205.5 is with the vehicle. V.C. Section 21655.9 - HOV Lanes: Use By Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles It reference back to code 5205.5f, which gives the authority to specify the placement location. (f) For purposes of subdivision (a), the Department of the California Highway Patrol and the department, in consultation with the Department of Transportation, shall design and specify the placement of the decal, label, or other identifier on the vehicle. Each decal, label, or other identifier issued for a vehicle shall display a unique number, which number shall be printed on, or affixed to, the vehicle registration. V.C. Section 5205.5 - Low-Emission Vehicle Identification for High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane Use: Tolls Although the decals make the Prius looks ugly, if you want to drive on the HOV lane you have to place them where specified.
Has a court established a violation of 21655.9(b) in a situation where a vehicle was not being driven upon a high-occupancy vehicle lane?
Sorry I have not done any research on this. Why don't you try to establish a precedent? I think you will get a fix it ticket rather then a summon.