This just started appearing recently (seems to be just after I replaced the cabin air filter) where when I turn the heater on or A/C on I hear sort of a squeaking sound. Almost like a dying motor or fan. I have not really noticed an issue with air blowing out, I did at first think it was a little less powerful but believed that to be related to a different air filter possibly blocking a little more air than usual. The sound does come from the glove box area, switching from recirculate air does not affect it, the higher the fan the slightly higher the noise but not by much. I find it happens more with the heat on (usually turn the heat up to 31 and blast the fan in the morning). Sometimes it happens with the A/C. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks,
Having the same issue with my 06' right now. When the climate control system is on, it's a little continuous squeak. May use some wd40 but I also don't want the interior to smell.